Discord Bots are handy, as they allow you to automate many tedious tasks by using simple commands. For example, if you're a server administrator, you can use a bot to kick or ban people who are spamming your server. Discord bots can make a chat server a much more exciting and efficient...
Verification is a big deal on Dream Island. If there's even a sniff of a bot on the loose, the eagle-eyed mod will kick him immediately. Likewise, make sure your names, age and any bio info is written up in your profile so server producers know you're a real person. There's a ...
我启用了所有意图,并且bot具有管理权限,但它仍然引发一个错误代码: intents = discord.Intents.all() bot = Bot("$",help_command=None,intents=intents) @bot.command() async def k(ctx,member:discord.Member): await member.kick() 错误作为文本: Ignoring exception in command k: Traceback (most ...
Perfect for developers who want a quick start with customizable commands, event handling, and essential features to kick off a new Discord bot project. Get ready to enhance your server with ease! bot open-source discord discordjs discord-bot discord-api starter discord-js discordbot discordbots ...
id}/kick`, label: "Kick", style: ButtonStyle.Secondary }), new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `manage/user/${targetUser.id}/ban`, label: "Ban", style: ButtonStyle.Danger }), new ButtonBuilder({ customId: `manage/user/${targetUser.id}/timeout`, label: "Timeout", style: ButtonStyle....
Discord机器人,使用Discord.js模块用JS编写。 阿里亚德的精神继任者。 先决条件 Node.js 粉笔 Dotenv(可选) Eslint(可选) PM2(可选) 命令(无前缀) ban :禁止用户。 bot :返回有关bot的信息。 help :返回所有命令的列表,或获取特定命令的信息。 id :返回一个或多个用户的ID。 kick :从服务器上踢用户。
They can automatically welcome users, ban or kick out anyone who’s disruptive, send out alerts for when you’re streaming on Twitch, and even allow you to play games. You just need to pick one from a variety of popular bot websites and add them to your server. All the codin...
everyban, kick, mute, warn, unban and unmutethat is ran through nypsi is logged and saved and can be accessed with the$historyand$casecommands. with all of these commands you are also able to punish multiple people in the same command. use$help modto view all of the moderation commands...