discord-nestjs package builds slash command object based on all decorators and DiscordCommandProvider provides it. For example, this is useful when you need to lazily register commands or register commands for a specific guild. ℹ️ ReflectMetadataProvider Provides methods for getting metadata for...
When an app creates a command it can choose the command's type, which determines where it appears in the Discord client and the metadata the app will receive when the command is invoked. There are three types for application commands: - **Slash commands** are the most popular type of com...
Breadcrumbs discordjs-bot-guide /understanding / roles.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 159 lines (115 loc) · 5.65 KB Raw Roles and PermissionsRoles are a powerful feature in Discord, and admittedly have been one of the hardest parts to master in disco...
我们将会使用: Node.js TypeScript Discord.js,Discord API的包装器 InversifyJS,一个依赖注入框架测试库:Mocha,Chai和ts-mockito...1npm i --save typescript discord.js inversify dotenv @types/node reflect-metadata 2npm i --save-dev chai...继续创建以下 src/bot.ts 文件: 1import {Client, Message...
// ...Winston already setup with transport.// Dummy metadata.constmeta={class:'MyClass',function:'someFunction'};// Use it w/ full options.logger.log('info','This is the log message.',{meta});// Use it w/ helper methods.logger.info('This is the log message.',{meta}); ...
默认值: “” Tips: 为了统一可移植性,在程序设置或者硬件负载转发中,转发、设置的 header 里不建议采用"_"下划线,可以用驼峰命名或者其他的符号(如减号-)进行代替, ConfigMap: 使用ConfigMap在NGINX中设置全局配置。 Annotations: 如果需要特定入口规则的特定配置,请使用此选项。示例: metadata: a...
A two-way chat bridge between Hypixel guild chat and Discord. - hypixel-discord-chat-bridge/yarn.lock at master · Senither/hypixel-discord-chat-bridge
Files main .github .vscode client test views .gitignore LICENSE README.md index.js package-lock.json package.json Breadcrumbs Discord-Command-Editor / Latest commit JasminDreasond package May 7, 2021 c7e052c·May 7, 2021 History History
"start": "node cmd/bot.js" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/ohdat/midjourney-discord.git" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/ohdat/midjourney-discord/issues" }, "homepage": "h...
chat_commands: Logs details of/chatand/privateslash command executions, including user prompts, bot responses, and processing metadata. The processing metadata allows the bot to pick up where it left off if it was interrupted while processing a command. Discord interactions where the token has expi...