Discord.js是一个用于构建和管理Discord聊天平台机器人的强大的JavaScript库。它提供了一组丰富的功能和API,使开发者能够创建自定义的聊天机器人,并与Discord服务器进行交互。 现在回到问题本身,"无法读取Discord.js中未定义的属性'join'"这个错误通常表示在代码中尝试访问一个未定义的属性。在这种情况下,'join'属性...
import socket if __name__ == '__main__': # 创建udpsocket udp_socket = socket.s...
Afterwards we can create a quite simple example bot: ```js const{Client,GatewayIntentBits}=require('discord.js'); constclient=newClient({intents:[GatewayIntentBits.Guilds]}); client.on('ready',()=>{ console.log(`Loggedinas${client.user.tag}!`); ...
Now, open the terminal window from the New Folder that you created and install the Discord.js library using the following command. You'll need Node.js installed on your system for this to work, so keep that in mind. npm install --save discord.js dotenv The next step is to create a p...
调用join 方法加入一个 RTC 频道,你需要在该方法中传入 App ID 、用户 ID、Token、频道名称。 先调用 createMicrophoneAudioTrack 通过麦克风采集的音频创建本地音频轨道对象,调用 createCameraVideoTrack 通过摄像头采集的视频创建本地视频轨道对象;然后调用 publish 方法,将这些本地音视频轨道对象当作参数即可将音视频发...
1、调用 createClient 方法创建 AgoraRTCClient 对象。 2、调用 join 方法加入一个 RTC 频道,你需要在该方法中传入 App ID 、用户 ID、Token、频道名称。 3、先调用 createMicrophoneAudioTrack 通过麦克风采集的音频创建本地音频轨道对象,调用 createCameraVideoTrack 通过摄像头采集的视频创建本地视频轨道对象;然后调...
To contact the owner of this module, you can join hisdiscord serverand ask him a question. For anything else, ditto, join hisdiscord server. (careful, this discord server is on french!) Install npm idiscord-ticket-easy Repository github.com/Valogzi/discord-ticket-easy ...
Justjoin this Discord serverand your presence will start showing up when youGET api.lanyard.rest/v1/users/:your_id. It's that easy. Table of Contents Community Projects The Lanyard community has worked on some pretty cool projects that allows you to extend the functionality of Lanyard. PR ...
We want to access theinteract()method in our event, we can by accessing the saved export object in the commands Collection Then in ourinteractionCreate.jsevent file: const{Commands}=require("discordregister")module.exports=(client,interaction)=>{if(interaction.isCommand()){letcmd=Commands.command...
It is not meant to be used in any malicious way, and I decline any responsibility for what you do with it. discorddiscord-botdiscord-tooldiscord-dmdiscord-mass-dmdiscord-dm-on-reactdiscord-dm-spammerdiscord-dm-on-joindiscord-dm-advertiser ...