Join ServerRoblox Game View moreDiscord Servers Find the best Discord Bots We created Discord Bot List to help users find the very best Discord bots. Whether you're looking for a moderation bot, music bot, or just a bot to supply your server with fresh memes, finding one couldn't be eas...
Rythm bot is another good choice if you are looking to add a music bot to your Discord server. Their site claims that it’s being used on 8 million Discord servers, which is absolutely insane if true. Rythm lets you play and search for music, similar to other music bots listed above. ...
②加入之后找到waiting-room频道通过发送消息聊天升级(慢速模式1分钟只能发送一条信息,发20条左右升到4级即可) 聊天升到4级之后,你就有能看到并进入join-main-server频道了,点击Join Main Server,再点击Click here to join加入主频道 2、跨链交互(交互不是一次性的,时间充裕的话尽量不定期多交互) ①先进入网站领...
Well, that's it, you've now created a Discord bot for your server. If you followed all the steps carefully, you should be able to see the bot on your server. The bot will stay offline until you define a function for it with a code, and sync it with the Discord platform. This is...
Find the new, best Discord Servers to join, with over 35,000 tagged for easy search, with stats, plus links to join and upvote, checked March 2025
first auto join discord self-bot - just with one command join it to your server discord.js-self 🔧 Requirements Discord Account Token Guide Node.js v12.0.0 or newer 📊 Repo Stats 🤝 Contributing Fork the repository Clone your fork: git clone
You are welcome to join our Discord server if you do not have a TruckersMP account. To do so, skip the section above linking your Discord & TruckersMP accounts andjoin the server directly. You will be unable to verify however you will have access to a limited number of channels and still...
If you need help or have questions that you don't want to create an issue for, just join our Discord server: FAQ In order to find answers to common questions, check out the FAQ in the wiki: This project is...
How to make a Discord bot Slack vs. Discord: Which should you choose? 6 ways to manage your Discord server with automation How to add bots to Discord This article was originally published in January 2023. The most recent update was in March 2024. ...
1. 点击右边栏中Midjourney Bot,然后点击Add to Server 2. 3. 选择自己的服务器之后,确认添加(没有的话,需要先创建下自己的服务器) 4. 5. 在自己的服务器中使用Midjourney,使用方法都是一样的 附注:如何订阅?你可以在 Midjourney 的服务器,或者 Midjourney Bot 聊天窗口,输入 /subscribe,然后按下...