wgethttps://dl.discordapp.net/apps/linux/0.0.39/discord-0.0.39.deb Step 2: Install Discord from Deb Package on Debian 12 To install theDiscordon Debian from the deb package, run theapt installcommand with sudo privileges followed by the deb file name: sudoaptinstall./discord-0.0.39.deb-...
Install vcpkg, if need be. Make sure to runvcpkg integrate install. Enter within a terminalvcpkg install discordcoreapi:x64-windows_OR_linux. Set up a console project in your IDE and make sure to set the C++ standard to C++20 or later - and includediscordcoreapi/Index.hpp. ...
Step 5:Select the appropriate Discord installation that you currently have on your system. If you’re using Discord Public Test Build (PTB) or Discord Canary, choose the corresponding option instead. Step 6:Click on “Install” and allow the installation process to complete. Once finished, the ...
yum install -y yum-utils yum-config-manager \ --add-repo \ https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io -y # 启动docker systemctl start docker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 为了便于区分,我把国内云服务器的discourse目录放到/...
How to Install - Linux Open a terminal on your system. Install Node.js and NPM. Install build tools if instructed.[How to install via package manager].Skip this step if installing to a Raspberry Pi device. Typecurl -L https://github.com/LakeYS/Dishorde/releases/download/v2.2.0/Dishorde...
最逗比的是我仨人硬是这么在这种“无尽模式”下打了三个多小时,叛逆首先消耗完子弹,我卖枪卖子弹给他坚持,然后配合着我一起砍,奶妈是二级喷子,除了救命针还能杀15个50%嫖包,帮我们背枪换弹上子弹,我劈砍的电击枪50%嫖特感,这个bug反而让我头一次体会到精髓的配合,也是 分享334 rhel7吧 Linuxprobe16 干货!
In this tutorial, we will use Linux Screen, which is the simplest and most compatible with different environments. Here are the steps to install and use Screen to run your Discord bot on Ubuntu VPS:On Terminal or SSH application, run this command to install Screen: ...
and we all know how versatile the translation service is. However, the plugin only works on Discord for Windows, Mac, and Linux and not on Android or iOS apps. You can nowhost a watch party on Discordand communicate with different language-speaking members using the above translation steps....
How to host your own Eco server Do you want to play Eco with friends and acquaintances? And also enjoy total freedom when it comes to game configuration? All of this is possible with your own Eco server. It’s easy to install and configure your server with the Steam client once the hos...
--target_platform=win32: Pass the target platform and override the hostplatform. Valid values arelinux,darwin,win32,sunos,freebsd,openbsd, andaix. Both--build-from-sourceand--fallback-to-buildcan be passed alone or they can provide values. You can pass--fallback-to-build=falseto override...