then uninstall Discord and type in the computer’s search bar “%appdata%” and click on the folder that shows up in the search. For mac, find the ~/Library folder. It is usually hidden by default but try looking for it by clicking on Go → Library in the Finder Menu, ...
While AI has jumped into the mainstream thanks to the popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, Discord has had an active AI community for quite a while now. According to the company, third-party AI apps already on the platform already have more than 30 million monthly users. Nearly 3 millio...
pokedex-item:Searches the Pokédex for a Pokémon item. pokedex-location:Responds with the location data for a Pokémon. pokedex-move:Searches the Pokédex for a Pokémon move. pokedex-moveset:Responds with the moveset for a Pokémon. pokedex-stats:Responds with the stats for a Pokémon. smog...
while also providing a niche for a few communities who had a hard time finding an outlet for their cv and alt-vore fantasy, including some girls and lesbians like myself. We