這是一個利用google開發的gemini模型的api來連接discord機器人的Chat bot 頻道具有黑白名單兩種模式(請見常見問題) 文字聊天具有短期記憶功能(記憶句數上限可自訂) 能夠進行圖片辨識 能在DM channel中使用 能通過爬蟲簡單理解網址內容 指令(預設為黑名單模式) 以下所有指令都不需要任何prefix或mention 注意:以下...
A chat bot for discord app based off discord.js. Contribute to 8sp4rk/DiscordBot development by creating an account on GitHub.
Every chat app wants to be the next big social media platform, and it's hurting the web Social Media Your Telegram group may just be holding back the internet ByNathan Drescher Apr 15, 2024 Discord finally catches up to Reddit with polling support ...
While AI has jumped into the mainstream thanks to the popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, Discord has had an active AI community for quite a while now. According to the company, third-party AI apps already on the platform already have more than 30 million monthly users. Nearly 3 millio...
# Summary 搬运一个Github上自己搭建ChatGPT Discord Bot的repo。用API来接入ChatGPT等其他LLM服务,主要的好处可以在移动端或者web端打开Discord直接用。 链接:https://github.com/Zero6992/chatGPT-discord
NuggetBot Set welcome messages to first-time users, set controls for logging user information, and much much more with the help of this neat Discord Bot. The dashboard is filled with both basic commands and fun ones that give flavor to your current chat. ...
接下来需要创建两个Discord应用,一个用来监听coze bot,一个用来传递discord的消息,两个应用的创建方法是一样的,首先进到https://discord.com/developers/applicationsDiscord Developer Portal网站,点击右上角的“New Application”按钮进入创建流程。 接下来的页面填写好应用名字,勾选上条款,然后点击“create”按钮就创建...
Privacy concerns with bot-collected information on users 2. Chatfuel Chatfuel is an AI platform offering conversational eCommerce chatbots for WhatsApp built using Open AI’s ChatGPT. Well-known brands like Lego, Adidas, Netflix, Nivea, and Visa all use Chatfuel chatbots. On Chatfuel, you can...
Discord is more than a conventionalVOIP chat application,it allows users to group topics into communities and channels, offering an easier way to keep the information straight. Initially built for gamers, it has become a generally used platform for any category of users and communities alike. ...
聊天机器人是由Sujal Goel#0001(即我)在Discord JS上构建的聊天机器人。 要求 Discord.js-12.5.1 查科德-0.0.5 fs-0.0.1-安全 hastebin.js:1.3.2 节点获取:2.6.1 nodemon:2.0.6 [仅用于开发] 设定说明 通过运行install.bat文件安装所需的模块!