RateLimit Cog (1 command) - RateLimit.py Extension: $ccooldown [delay] └─ Sets the cooldown in seconds between each command (owner only). Reddit Reddit Cog (32 commands) - Reddit.py Extension: $abandoned └─ Get something abandoned to look at. $answer └─ Spout out some interstel...
typing-test: See how fast you can type a sentence in a given time limit. waldo: Try to find Waldo with spoiler tags! whos-that-pokemon-cry: Guess who that Pokémon is, based on their cry. whos-that-pokemon: Guess who that Pokémon is, based on their silhouette. will-you-press-the-...
typing-test: See how fast you can type a sentence in a given time limit. waldo: Try to find Waldo with spoiler tags! whos-that-pokemon: Guess who that Pokémon is. Multi-Player Games: balloon-pop: Don't let yourself be the last one to pump the balloon before it pops! battle: Engag...