Exception message: de.jcm.discordgamesdk.GameSDKException: Game SDK operation failed: INTERNAL_ERROR Stacktrace: at de.jcm.discordgamesdk.Core.<init>(Core.java:439) ~[Pixelmon-9.2.1-universal.jar%23167!/:9.2.1-pipe21033] {re:classloading} at com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.client.richpresence.Pixel...
Enable Rich Presence for the application. This enables whitelist access for the SDK. When you are ready to test with more people, add them to the whitelist. Copy the Client ID. Use this CLIENT_ID when initializing the SDK. Installation Installation of this package requires Unity 2018.3 or...
A simple template for Discord Rich Presence built on top of the new Discord Game SDK - flatypus/DiscordRPC
thetestgame/upm-discord-game-sdk A Unity Package Manager compatible version of the Discord Game SDK discordunity3dupm-packagediscord-game-sdk UpdatedMar 13, 2023 C# plencka/spore-rich-presence Star10 A modded Discord Rich Presence solution for Spore - a 2008 life simulation real-time strategy ...
While the official C++ library has been deprecated, this library has continued support and development for all your Rich Presence need, without requiring the Game SDK. Here are some key features of this library: Message Queuing Threaded Reads ...
-Rich Presence允许开发人员将他们的应用程序与Discord集成。 -Discord服务于各种社区,包括游戏和编程。 -该平台特征为用户互动提供独家和公共渠道。 -Discord的API文档位于https://discord.com/developers/docs/intro. -Webhook实现了与外部服务的积分。 -游戏开发商可以通过https://discordapp.com/sell-your-game. -...
在寻找一种让玩家社区与你的游戏更紧密相连的方式吗?那么,Discord Rich Presence 是您的理想之选。这是一个用C#编写的高效实现,它是对官方Discord RPC库的再创造,专门为.NET环境设计,无需依赖Game SDK即可为你的应用或游戏增添丰富的交互性。 项目技术分析 ...
分享10赞 xenia模拟器吧 优雅社会 失落的奥德赛本人最新模拟情况分享2019.11.10discord = true # Enable Discord rich presencegame_language = 8 # The language for the game to run in. 1=EN / 2=JP / 3=DE / 4=FR / 5=ES / 6=IT / 7=KR / 8=CNtime_scalar = 1.000000 # Scalar used .....
RPCif(!g_bTextMode){DiscordRichPresencediscordPresence;memset(&discordPresence,0,sizeof(discordPresence));discordPresence.state="In-Game";discordPresence.details="Main Menu";discordPresence.startTimestamp=startTimestamp;discordPresence.largeImageKey="ModImageHere";Discord_UpdatePresence(&discordPresence);...
The first feature some might imagine with regard to using the SDK is at least some form of so-called “Rich Presence,” which is what I considered a long time ago when players asked about that as a possibility. But I didn’t want to bloat the size of the game just for that--didn’...