The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! AddMEE6 Commands Dank Memer 1,862 9.1M MemeEconomy Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. A currency and fishing game for catching creatures, collecting items, ...
CSBot 0 CSGOGames A discord bot which generates a image with the faceit stats of a account. AddCSBot Commands H bot 0 FunSocial H bot is an amazing minigames bot filled to the brim with high quality implementations of minigames and a one of a kind multiplayer system!
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {}') # 设置机器人状态 game = discord.Game("Playing a game") await bot.change_presence(activity=game)'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') 在上述代码中,首先创...
前缀和非前缀命令在python discord bot上不能协同工作 、、、 import asynciofrom discord.ext import commandsimport@bot.event await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='Test')) print("ping" 浏览1提问于2017-12-03得票数 3 1回答 未找到Python不和谐应用程序命令 、 我注册了一个应用程序命令。...
#bot-commands– 在这个频道,用户可以和Wiki-Bot(Wiki机器人)互动而不用刷了其他频道的屏。 管理 这个分类有只能由一小部分特定身份的用户查看。具体来说,有Administrators(管理员)和Server administrators(讨论区管理员)的频道,Directors(向导)的频道,还有一个Server moderators(讨论区协管员)的频道。这些频道用于协...
Get your Active Developer Discord Badge without having to code or host your own bot. Simply enable the Active Developer Badge module and run at least one command every month! Design your own commands Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Get server info, news and more with BotGhos...
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!') Clientdiscord = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=, type=3)) print('test ready') ...
第1 步:加入 Discord 后,首先要进入侧边栏的 "YGG’s Great Hall"频道,然后找到"bot-commands" 频道,搜索 nft42 机器人。为了安全起见,请仔细检查 Discord 名称和标签,应该是“nft42 #9163”。 YGG Discord 频道截图 第2 步:打开机器人的私息,并输入“!verify”,然后你会收到一个提示显示"Follow this ...
The Bot allows 113 commands to play the game. You can also make use of the old-school RuneScape commands as well . This gives you more flexibility and advantage of playing the game better. If you are familiar with other hidden commands such as the Portable locations, 9/9 Nemi forest and...
Handles Discord interactions, commands, and events. Kaelly-encyclopedia Retrieves game data like items, sets, almanax fromDofusDude API. Kaelly-configurator Handles bot configurations like game server binding, webhooks notifications, etc. Kaelly-books ...