Discord 已经关闭了 Nintendo Switch 模拟器Suyu和Sudachi的 Discord 服务器,并完全禁用了他们的主要开发人员的帐户 - 该公司没有回答我们为什么会走到这一步的问题。 Suyu 和 Sudachi 都是从 Yuzu 的分支开始的,Yuzu 是一款模拟器,任天堂于 3 月 4 日起诉该模拟器,使其不再存在。“Discord 响应并遵守所有合...
如果您是一名想要通過網路與他人共享 Nintendo Switch 螢幕的玩家,您可以選擇在受歡迎的在線交流平台 Discord 上直播 Switch 畫面。但是,將 Switch 轉播到 Discord 有點困難,而且它是跨平台的,因為在任天堂 Switch 選項上沒有 Discord 應用程式。 因此,如果您不熟悉相關操作,您可能對此一無所知。但請不要擔心,您可...
Discord Rich Presence integration for Nintendo Switch. SwitchRPC is a Rich Presence application for Discord that allows you to set your game, and some details about it. If you have any issues or find any bugs you can get assistance on the support server....
Nintendo Switch Sale ends: 2/21/25 at 03:59 p.m. GMT+8 This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Find the Anima flower and save the inhabitants of Atlantis! You're a missing person investigator. Your niece, along with her expedition members, has disappeared ...
Discord 关闭了任天堂 Switch 模拟器项目 Suyu 和 Sudachi 的服务器以及主要开发者账号。Suyu 和 Sudachi 都是开源模拟器项目 Yuzu 的分支。任天堂在 3 月 4 日对 Yuzu 提起诉讼,开发者之后与任天堂达成和解关闭该项目。Discord 在一份声明中表示,它此举旨在回应 DMCA 请求,此外法院还下达了删除材料的命令,它遵守...
An unofficial Discord client for the Nintendo Switch console. (WIP) - GitHub - vbe0201/switchcord: An unofficial Discord client for the Nintendo Switch console. (WIP)
PixelsToPaper Thread Sep 14, 2022 discorddiscordissuesdiscordstreamingfrozen framefull screen projectorhelpnintendo switchobs 28.0.1switchwindowed projector Replies: 2 Forum:Windows Support
尽管该和解协议尚待法院的最终确认,但此举已标志着双方争议的暂时平息。与此同时,媒体The Verge也联系了另一款知名的Nintendo Switch模拟器——Ryujinx(龙神模拟器)的开发团队,以了解他们对Yuzu诉讼事件的看法。但截至The Verge咨询的时间,Ryujinx官方尚未对此事件作出任何回应。同时,The Verge还发现,Ryujinx的官方...
discorddiscordissuesdiscordstreamingfrozen framefull screen projectorhelpnintendo switchobs 28.0.1switchwindowed projector Replies: 2 Forum:Windows Support G OBS and Discord I use obs primarily for just recording and whenever I record just gameplay along with my voice the footage comes out normal. howev...
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