emoji.go feat!: remove deprecated features (old builders, incorrect naming con… Oct 25, 2022 errors.go feat: guild-scheduled-event (#470) Mar 15, 2022 events.go deprecated flag String() + go fmt Oct 24, 2022 events_gen.go deprecated flag String() + go fmt Oct 24, 2022 ...
Use External Emojis allows Xiao to use custom emoji in certain commands. While the commands benefit from it, it is not required for the commands to work. Add Reactions allows Xiao to use commands that add reactions to messages in certain commands. While the commands benefit from it, it ...
(emoji='🏠', style=discord.ButtonStyle.green) async def home_callback(self, button, interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.edit_message(embed=self.embed.index) @discord.ui.button(emoji='🛑', style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger) async def stop_callback(self, button, ...
Use External Emojis allows Xiao to use custom emoji in certain commands. While the commands benefit from it, it is not required for the commands to work. Add Reactions allows Xiao to use commands that add reactions to messages in certain commands. While the commands benefit from it, it ...
Do I need every API key, emoji ID, etc.? No, but some commands may not work without them. Do I need to set up Redis? Yes, several commands and functions rely on it. Do I really need to install Wine and Wine32 on Linux?
{ "emoji-regex": "^8.0.0", "is-fullwidth-code-point": "^3.0.0", "strip-ansi": "^6.0.1" }, "engines": { "node": ">=8" } }, "node_modules/string.prototype.trimend": { "version": "1.0.4", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/string.prototype.trimend/-/string....
Add flag emojis to messages to translate to that language or translate messages by command. Aziz and TrustyJAID Turbo 1.0.0 Relive that 90's computer feel with turbo mode on any command!Add turbo mode to all your commands! TrustyJAID Tweets 3.0.1 Cog for getting info from TwitterGets the...