channel = client.channels.cache.find((ch) => === channelName); // 在频道列表中查找与给定名称匹配的频道 if (channel) {`频道 ${channelName} 的 ID 是 ${}`); } else {`找不到名称为 ${channelName} 的频道`); } } }...
然后,我们监听消息事件,当收到以!getChannel开头的消息时,我们提取出频道名称参数,并使用client.channels.cache.find方法来查找匹配的频道对象。如果找到了频道对象,我们向消息所在的频道发送包含频道名称和ID的回复消息;如果未找到匹配的频道,我们发送未找到的提示消息。 这是一个简单的示例,你可以根据自己的需求进行扩...
Channel ID channel_id string The channel id this webhook is for, if any. user user User Name name string The default name of the webhook. Avatar avatar string The default user avatar hash of the webhook. Token token string The secure token of the webhook (returned for Incoming Webhook...
创建频道:可以在 Server 创建多个频道(称为 channel),频道可以是 text channel,类似于常规的群聊天;也可以是 voice channel,一个 24 小时开放的语音空间。加入好友:当你想和朋友玩游戏的时候,可以打开 Discord,大概率会发现朋友们的头像已经在 voice channel 里,也能看到他们正在玩什么游戏。这时候你可以...
To find the conversation ID (skypeId) for a Skype chat. use the/get namecommand in the Skype client. The Discord channel ID (discordId) can be found as the last part of the URL when using Discord in a browser, or by using the "Copy Link" option when right clicking on a channel ...
A Discord bot that is using AsyncPRAW, a Reddit API to find jobs on subreddits and post them to your Discord channel. pythonscraperredditdiscorddiscord-botreddit-apisubredditasync-programmingprawdiscord-channeljob-finderasyncprawreddit-job-finder ...
Discord was first developed as achat app for gamersas it offers search functions that allow players to find live streams, events, or gamers of a particular title. The program has since been turned into anorganizational and social toolwhere any topic can be discussed such as anime, self-help,...
s state-of-the-art smart performance, delivering powerful, all-in-one pc performance, maintenance, and security learn more assistance and support chat with a trained professional who can help you find the right products, place or check on an order, or setup your education laptop. contact us ...
Forum:Windows Support T Gray screen while streaming discord Hello, I have a strange issue whenever I try to stream webcams in a discord voice channel: I usually capture them as simple window sources, but if the windows captured are not in overlay, the sources turn out gray... so when I...
本篇的主题是,在 uni-app vue3 框架内,插入网易云信即时通讯(增强版)SDK,然后修改网易云信的源代码,使之能够让机器人与人类用户单聊和群聊。 参考文献,网易云信的官网指南, 与第三方机器人互动。注意,这…