Find Public Discord Servers to join, chat in, or list your Discord Server. Explore unique and useful resources for all your Discord needs.
Yes. Although some servers may require an invitation in order to join, most servers are open, and anyone can join without a special invite. To find a server that you might be interested in joining, simply search for the topic or game you’re looking for and browse through the available ...
Find public discord servers to join and chat, or list your discord server here! Search for the best discord servers out there!
Discord automatically selects a server region through which to route your voice communications. However, you might find selecting a different server region improves the quality of voice chats, especially if you’re chatting with people in other regions. Discord自动选择一个服务器区域来路由您的语音通信。
Next, click “Join a Server”. Paste the server link into this menu, and press “Join”. 接下来,单击“加入服务器”。 将服务器链接粘贴到此菜单中,然后按“加入”。 (Finding Discord Servers) If you want to find servers that fit your interests, use Discord’s Server Discovery feature to sea...
第一,是免费且不限用户量的 Server 空间。 这一点非常非常重要,因为其它产品大都需要花钱,比如 TeamSpeak 会根据用户量收费。 第二,功能简单好用。 这也能成为优点?主要是同行太难用了。举几个常被提起的细节: 支持一键创建 Server,而 TeamSpeak 、Mumble 需要复杂的配置过程。
第一,是免费且不限用户量的 Server 空间。这一点非常非常重要,因为其它产品大都需要花钱,比如 TeamSpeak 会根据用户量收费。 第二,功能简单好用。这也能成为优点?主要是同行太难用了。举几个常被提起的细节: 支持一键创建 Server,而 TeamSpeak 、Mumble 需要复杂的配置过程。
★ ★ - Find Discord Servers easily and connect to other people ♥ or just advertise your server here and get more members ✔ We also provide interesting activity statistics about your server.
5.不和 Servers | Find Public Discord Servers) CCDAO_SERVERS 如果你希望宣传你的Discord服务器,不和服务器(这是完全独立的网站与上面相同的名称)是另一个推荐服务器列表网站。 它允许你提交你的清单,以便它被列在类别页面,包括动漫,Minecraft,编程和其他类别。我注意到类别稍微具体一些这里比...
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