再试发送验证码,输完号码发现unable to send message,估计是第一天发太多次。3.过几天再试,尝试用接码网站上的号码收验证码,试了好几个网站几十个号码都不行,显示不是号码不合法就是号码来源给锁定了。然后电脑挂ti尝试用discord网页端登录,登录后跟app一样要发短信,然后还是收不到。4.重点来了,之后我开始翻...
python discord discord.py async def sendmessage(ctx, channelID=None, content=None): if channelID == None: print("ERROR: NSB01") else: await bot.get_channel(channelID).send(content) 似乎无法向其他服务器/公会中的频道发送消息。。。bot同时存在于两台服务器中(用户发出命令的服务器和目标通道所...
bot.sendMessage({ to:channelID, message: recentMessage }) break; } } }); Thank you message.content访问消息的内容。我不确定,但您的代码看起来像是将message对象分开了,这可能就是您收到多条消息的原因。 您可以尝试将代码更改为: 或者回复 bot.on('message', function (message) { // Reply to me...
Hi there, I'm using a snippet of code to send out Discord Webhooks via PHP. Up until a few days ago, this has worked without issue, then has suddenly stopped working. The code is as below: ` $hookObject = json_encode([ "content" => "$con...
{message_id} has been edited.') except discord.NotFound: await ctx.send('Message not found.') except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send('Bot does not have permission to edit this message.') except discord.HTTPException as e: await ctx.send(f'Failed to edit message: {e}') bot.run('...
failed to get token from keyring: secret not found in keyring First, start the keyring daemon eval$(gnome-keyring-daemon --start)export$(gnome-keyring-daemon --start) Create a keyring usingseahorseapplication if a keyring doesn't already exist. ...
// Send the initial messageawaitinteraction.editReply({embeds: [embeds[currentIndex]],components: [rowSelectMenu, menuNavigationButtons] }); I have tried to search for a solution but I cannot find anything. I have also tried changingi.update()to usingi.editReply()however, that did not wor...
You'll be able to see the message preview and send an optional comment with it. The invite will be sent in the chat. Sharing music and controlling playback Now that you're all set up, it's time to start sharing music and controlling playback on Discord: ...
本文将使用Go语言 gorilla/websocket 库在线实现一个基于WebSocket的消息发送的案例,我们将建立一个简单的...
abc.Messageable.send()s中重复使用。 您应该在文件发送后重新加载它,这是一个很好的解决方案: class Help(commands.Cog): def __init__(self,client): self.client = client @property def eSantaLogo(self): return discord.File("resources\embedImages\eSanta.png", filename="eSanta.png") ...