BullyWiiPlaza / Discord-Installation-Failed-Fixer Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests A small command line utility which can cleanly uninstall Discord and fix the "installation has failed" error utility visual-studio cpp command-line discord modern-cpp fixer visual-cpp discord-utility bullywiiplaza ...
The 502 Bad Gateway problem on Discord indicates that you will be unable to enter Discord and is caused by one of the server to which you are connected. Because it is a server-side error, there is nothing you can do but allow time for the Discord crew to resolve it. The Discord staff...
Changes not displayed in the gif above: improved buttons design, added 1 new button (opens Main folder) in the pictures panel, added asynchronous pictures loading to the panel, added displaying error handler when loading local or web files failed, added an option for automatic proportional scaling...
{"rules": {"semi": ["error","always"],"quotes": ["error","double"] } } The names"semi"and"quotes"are the names ofrulesin ESLint. The first value is the error level of the rule and can be one of these values: "off"or0- turn the rule off ...
Discord requires Microsoft .NET Framework to be installed on your computer in order to run properly. If it is not installed, it can cause the “Installation has failed” error. You can simply follow the steps mentioned below to install Microsoft.NET Framework. ...
If you’re someone who is installing Discord for the second time, it’s possible that the data from the previous installation is not completely deleted. If that’s the case then you might be met with the Discord installation has failed error. ...
Installation has failed There was an error while installing the application. Check the setup log tor more information and contact the author. The following are the most likely culprits of this error; Corrupt/abundant local data. Antivirus software interference. ...
Ensure these factors, and you can resolve the Discord installation has failed issue completely. With that, we have reached the end of this post. If you have any doubts about the processes shared, please comment below. Let other users know which method served you the best. ...
You should first check if your Windows 10 account has the correct privileges. Deleting all old associated files can solve the failed Discord installation error. Removing the tool from your PC might be necessary, then reinstalling it. If your Discord installation has failed, we will take you thro...
We’ve shared effective solutions to deal with the Discord installation has failed and Discord messages failed to load errors. Remember to try each fix one at a time and test Discord after each step to determine which method works for you. ...