在这里,我们保存了机器人的令牌以及他应该听的前缀。 To get your token you need to visit the discord developer portal again and copy it from the bot section. 要获取令牌,您需要再次访问Discord开发人员门户并从bot部分复制它。 That are the only things we need to do in our config.json file. So ...
Open Discord Developer Portal Create your OAuth2 application in https://discord.com/developers/applications In <Your Application> -> OAuth2 -> Redirects Add <APP_URL>/api/auth/callback url to the redirects For Example: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback This is required for ...
"Websocket 400-something: Authentication Failed" Error!YourDISCORD_BOT_TOKENis incorrect or invalid. Make sure you copied/pasted the Bottoken, NOT the "client secret" from the Discord Developer portal "Emoji ID is not a snowflake" Error! Or the bot doesn't provide emojis as reactions on the...
其语法如下 bool = document.execCommand(aCommandName, aShowDefaultUI, aValueArgument) aCommandName 是表示想执行的命令的字符串...‘bold’,创建链接 ‘createLink’,改变字体大小 ‘fontSize’ 等等 aShowDefaultUI 是否显示默认的用户界面 aValueArgument 有些命令需要额外的输入,如插入图片.../ … } 这段代...
If you don't see one for the current version, then simply create a new text document called final.txt, and put DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = as the contents. Paste the Bot Token you obtained in the pre-installation into the final.txt file, after the = sign for the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN. Run the...
Create a new Bot on Discord Developer Portal: Applications -> New Application Generate Token for the app (discord_bot_token) Select App (Bot) -> Bot -> Reset Token Toggle PRESENCE INTENT: Select App (Bot) -> Bot -> PRESENCE INTENT, SERVER MEMBERS INTENT, MESSAGES INTENT, (basically turn...
毫不夸张的讲,把全局样式玩的明白的人蛮少的。...看下表:属性 描述 bold 文本以粗体出现 italic 文本以斜体出现 underline 文本带下划线 strike 文本带删除线 double_strike 文本带双删除线 all_caps...Document 对象的 add_paragraph()方法将一段新文本添加到文档中,并返回添加的 Paragraph 对象的引用。 8.6K...
Enable the Server Members Intent and Message Content Intent which can be found under the Bot tab on the developer portal Configuration After cloning the project and installing all dependencies, you need to add your Discord API token in the .env file. Changing the status You can change the stat...
To run this project, first you need to create an application on theDeveloper Portal. In theGeneral informationtab fill in theName,DescriptionandApp Iconfields. In theBottab click on theAdd botbutton and add your bot. Fill in theUsernameandiconfields. Now let's set the bot settings, mark ...