在这里,我们保存了机器人的令牌以及他应该听的前缀。 To get your token you need to visit the discord developer portal again and copy it from the bot section. 要获取令牌,您需要再次访问Discord开发人员门户并从bot部分复制它。 That are the only things we need to do in our config.json file. So ...
- This document should clearly and accurately describe to users of your app the user data you collect and how you use and share such data with us and third parties, consistent with our Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy. - App must not contain any harmful or bad language in ...
"Websocket 400-something: Authentication Failed" Error!YourDISCORD_BOT_TOKENis incorrect or invalid. Make sure you copied/pasted the Bottoken, NOT the "client secret" from the Discord Developer portal "Emoji ID is not a snowflake" Error! Or the bot doesn't provide emojis as reactions on the...
Go to the Discord Developer Portal to create a bot. Go to the Bot page of the target bot, click the Reset Token button, and securely save the token. At the same time, turn on the MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT switch under Privileged Gateway Intents. You can go to the OAuth2 page, OAuth2 ...
If you don't see one for the current version, then simply create a new text document called final.txt, and put DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = as the contents. Paste the Bot Token you obtained in the pre-installation into the final.txt file, after the = sign for the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN. Run the...
Normal Document Support can be used anywhere in discord where user installable apps are supported you can run you query by a different model on the fly using the model's field ( example below )PrerequisiteOllama :Ollama is an open-source app that lets you run, create, and share large lan...
For this part I got my inspiration from this video it explain pretty well how to create the bot from the Discord developer portal and get and use its token but also how to keep the bot running by ping it every 5 minute so that it doesn't enter in sleep mode. You will still need ...
Depending on the request we need to specify or not somes values so you need to check what is expected for a specific request in the documention. The position size is calculated as follow so that every losing trade doesn't cost you more than X% of what you are willing to risk from ...
For this part I got my inspiration from thisvideoit explain pretty well how to create the bot from the Discord developer portal and get and use its token but also how to keep the bot running by ping it every 5 minute so that it doesn't enter in sleep mode. ...