TheTatsu botis one of the best Discord game bots. It enables the players to collect 100+ pets. The player has to build a house using more than a thousand pieces of furniture. Level of the player upgrades with each completed task. The game bot can be added to the server and can be p...
Once the bot is logged in and ready, it’ll show a message on the Python console you ran your bot from: “We have logged in as {bot username}”. Whenever a message is received (in the same Discord channel your bot is in) from someoneelse(other than the bot itself, we don’t wan...
start(TEST_BOT_TOKEN) except KeyboardInterrupt: await bot.logout() # 放入协程 asyncio.create_task(run_discord_bot()) 现在我们开始监听群内情况并与数据库进行交互: @bot.event async def on_member_join(member): db = SessionLocal() declarative_base() guild = discordPy.utils.get(bot.guilds, ...
・guild_set_permissions ・guilds_line_channel ・guilds_vc_signal ・line_bot ・task_table ・webhook_setguild_set_permissions ・サーバーの権限設定を保存するテーブル カラム名型説明 guild_id NUMERIC PRIMARY KEY サーバーのID line_permission NUMERIC lineへの送信設定を編集できる権限を...
Repository files navigation README watdo A task management Discord bot. Add to Server Problem: So many things to do, yet don't know what to do. Solution: Let watdo tell you what to do.AboutA task management Discord bot.
并行等待多个事件 done, pending = await asyncio.wait([event1, event2], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) # 处理完成的事件 for task in done: try: result = await task await ctx.send(f'Received: {result}') except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f'Error: {e}')'YOUR_...
和尚每次升级 AndroidStudio 和 Gradle 都倍感头疼,这次和尚从 2.3.3 升级到 3.1.4 版本,被 Gradle 的 offline modle 问题困扰了很久,现在整理一下和尚的处理方式。 和尚发现同一个问题对于不同的环境,解决的方案也许不太一样,对于 offline modle 的问题,网上有很多的大神整理解决过,但对于和尚的环...
When completed click OK and a Search.txt document will open on your desktop Copy and paste the report in your reply. If the file is too large either attach the file to your reply or, if necessary upload it to and include the download link in your reply===Things...
Running community or work events isn't an easy task. Even an online community event can have a dozen moving parts between scheduling, content, moderation, and, of course, audience engagement. Fortunately, there's an easy way to cut down on some of that work. If you're using Discord, ...