Make sure to assign a role with"Manage Channels" permissionto the bot for the command to go through. Type the command message to delete messages:/clearall Note that thiscannotbe used on a server chat or chats within a voice channel. To clear Discord chat on a voice channel, you would a...
在discord.py中删除消息信息可以通过使用Message.delete()方法来实现。 首先,确保你已经在项目中导入了discord.py库: 代码语言:txt 复制 import discord 然后,在你的代码中,当你想要删除消息时,你可以使用Message.delete()方法。这个方法将会删除发送此消息的用户的消息。
而不是等到它被回收: 个别清除:Cache.invalidate(key) 批量清除:Cache.invalidateAll(keys) 清...
Ultimate Ability The Forbidden Command (That all people love to spam) When Called, Looks at the dates of the channels first and last messages Picks a totally random date until it finds messages that fit the filters you set up(attachments, links, images, youtube videos, and more) Posts it...
Create a new "purged" channel where messages will automatically be deleted. Someone with MANAGE_MESSAGES permission (usually an admin) needs to say@AutoDelete start 100 24hto start the bot and tell it which channel you are using. The100in the start command is the maximum number of live mess...
Alt + P Opens the direct messages container Alt + . Toggles the internal console view Further shortcuts / key-bindings can be found in the manual on the internal console with the command manual. If any of the default commands don't work for you, open the keyboard shortcut changer via Ct...
Messages.deleteUser(<UserID - String>, <GuildID - String>); Output: Promise<Object> appendMessage It adds a specified amount of messages to the current amount of messages for that user, in that guild. It creates a new user with that amount of messages, if there is no entry for tha...
You can comprehensively customize yourprivacy settings. Discord has the ‘Keep me safe’ feature on by default. All direct messages that you receive will getscanned. The ‘Keep me safe’ command makes sure that explicit media and messages are automatically deleted upon being detected. You or your...
To mute a server, right-click on the server icon and check the Server Mute button. 7 Learn how to edit and delete your messages. At some point, you'll make a typo or send a message you didn't mean to send, but thankfully on Discord, there are ways to fix that. To edit a me...
React with different emojis to Midjourney Jobs to send images to your Direct Messages, cancel a job in progress, or delete an image. Learn how to use emoji reactions. Daily Theme Channel Participate in a fun themed group image generation in the#daily-theme channel. Look for the day's them...