1.To log in with SMS Authentication, openDiscordand click onReceive auth code by SMSoption on the 2FA page below the Login button. 2.You should receive an authentication code via SMS on your registered smartphone. Simply enter the code you received in the SMS and click onLoginto access you...
Rencore Code Rencore Governance Repfabric Replicate (Independent Publisher) Replicon Resco Cloud Resco Reports RescueGroups (Independent Publisher) Resend (Independent Publisher) REST Countries (Independent Publisher) Rev AI (Independent Publisher) Revelation helpdesk ReversingLabs A1000 ReversingLabs TitaniumCloud...
sendmsg_resp={"code":200,"data":sendmsg_resp_data}returnsendmsg_resp 5. 网易云信关于发送消息的参数说明,在普通版的 IM 即时通讯产品文档中 二. 第三方机器人的注册和对话 用手工方式,在网易云信平台上注册机器人,有以下缺陷,所以我们不采用这种方式, 无法通过程序,来注册添加机器人, 我们的应用场景是,需要...
Debug.Log("app identityToken = " + identityToken); // Authorization code var authorizationCode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( appleIdCredential.AuthorizationCode, 0, appleIdCredential.AuthorizationCode.Length); Debug.Log("app authorizationCode = " + authorizationCode); // And now you have all the ...
其实,在整个游戏中都有大量关于“karnoffel code”的隐藏。大多数角色甚至害怕说出代码的名称,但菌学家正在积极研究。我们可以看到卢克Luke正在看karnoffel的维基百科页面,karnoffel是世界上最早的纸牌游戏之一。这一点,加上便签上的符号告诉我们,我们需要玩的牌分别等同于karnoffel里的猪(2),3,国王和猪(2)。
After more research, and Agan's help, I encountered this code: client.on('disconnect', function(erMsg, code) { console.log('--- Bot disconnected from Discord with code', code, 'for reason:', erMsg, '---'); client.connect(); }); This will reconnect to discord's api when Disco...
Logging in works via the UI on first startup of the application. If you are logging in with a bot token, you have to prependBotin front of the token. If you need to find out how to retrieve your token, checkthe wiki. Currently captcha-code login isn't supported. Thanks for your SHI...
1371. Rewrote sword clash code, now Spellsong, Wraith Slayer, Mythril's Bane, Ukonvasara sword, Dragon Cleaver, and Pure-Iron Sword can clash with Keeper's Reaper Slash, Calavia, Skeleton & Soulless Duelist, and Jolly Madman(看起来救赎准备把拼刀做大做强) ...
log("Response status code:", response.status); return response.text(); } }) .then(data => { if (data) { console.log("Login successful!"); console.log("Response JSON:", data); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error:", error); }); }); </script> <...
Feel free to take all or part of the code to your own bot, just put the author and URL of this project in your project's website, README or any public documentation. 邀請原神小幫手 點擊上圖或邀請連結:https://bit.ly/原神小幫手邀請 ...