Product : EA Desktop Platform : PC Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) Which client functionality are you
Another thing you can try is to use Discord on some other platform and see if the messages can be sent now. The PC users can try Discord on its web client to chat with other people. This has been an effective fix for many and might just work for you as well. Related:Fix Messages ...
Construct a new Discord client which can be used to access the variety of Discord API functions and to set callback functions for Discord events. discord,err:=discordgo.New("Bot "+"authentication token") See Documentation and Examples below for more detailed information. ...
Client communications: Discord also offers a space for you to communicate with clients. For example, you could make a server specifically for a client and use Discord roles to separate internal and external communications. According to Sammy Hardesty at Heaven Media, the agency often uses Discord ...
Client ID is the ID of your Discord Application. Handler is an instance of a DiscordEventHandler-Object. Callbacks to HandlerClasses are registered in there. AutoRegisterdoes not really matter right now and is always true. If your application is a Steam Application, the Initialize Methods takes ...
If you started up your Discord client and got this message, don't worry. You haven't been banned either blocked, and Discord is not under some DDos attacks. This is because Cloudflare (the biggest internet security provider) is ...
必须是DatabaseError的子类。 OperationalError 指非用户控制的,而是操作数据库时发生的错误。例如: ...