The client id (App ID) and secret can be foundhere: Now add this to your src/authentication.ts: ts import{OAuthProfile,OAuthStrategy}from"@feathersjs/authentication-oauth";import{AuthenticationRequest}from"@feathersjs/authentication";importaxios,{AxiosRequestConfig}from'axios'import{ServiceAddons}from...
Copy the necessary “Client ID” and “Client Secret” values and fill these fields in the plugin settings! 2. App setup Once your Discord app is ready you’ll need to copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret to the Discord provider’s Settings tab. You can find the information ...
点击Discord Developer Portal跳转到DC开发者门户网站;②接着点击New Application 建立Discord Bot 的 API,并给bot命名,比如我输入chatgpt,勾选复选框,点击Creat创建;③然后点击oAuth2,复制Client ID和Client Secret填入到对应的框中,将引导中的URL复制到DEVELOPER PORT...
Test an API call and export the code snippet into your app. Read more on the documentation page: Integrate voice and text chat for this gaming chat app. DiscordBot Package DiscordBot Domain: DiscordBot Credentials: clientId, clientSecret, access...
A Discord API client ID, secret and redirect URL must be supplied when using this strategy. The strategy also requires a verify callback, which receives the access token and an optional refresh token, as well as a profile which contains the authenticated Discord user's profile. The verify ...
const DiscordOauth2 = require("discord-oauth2"); const oauth = new DiscordOauth2({ clientId: "332269999912132097", clientSecret: "937it3ow87i4ery69876wqire", redirectUri: "http://localhost/callback", }); oauth.tokenRequest({ // clientId, clientSecret and redirectUri are omitted, as the...
{ "secrets": { "client_id":"<YOUR_OKTA_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID>", "client_secret":"<YOUR_OKTA_APPLICATION_CLIENT_SECRET>", "issuer": "https://<YOUR_OKTA_INSTANCE>" } } Then set the following variables in your .env.production file:...
"requireAuthentication": true, "requireAuthorization": true, "ep_discordauth": { "client_id":"YOUR_APPS_CLIENT_IDFROM_STEP_2", "client_secret":"YOUR_APPS_CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_STEP_2", "authorizedUsers": { "individuals": ["discord_id_of_accepted_users"], "guilds":{ "guild_id_of_...
discord.clientSecret, callbackURL: '/auth/discord< 浏览1提问于2018-08-24得票数 0 1回答 使用Discord接受输入并在连接的客户机上执行 、、 我目前有Python Discord预制的脚本来连接到Discord通道。我把它设置得很好,而且它还能工作。我能够创建命令,并让它做我想做的事情。然而,我想知道是否有可能在Disc...
APP ID、APP Secret沙箱配置 -> 将测试频道添加到沙箱环境部署后台使用 python SDK,Github - botpy安装pip install qq-botpy示例脚本如下import...on_XX 方法可以获取并响应对应事件guild_messages:频道消息(只有私域机器人可以监听频道所有消息)on_message_create:接收频道所有消息direct_message:私信消息...Info...