.addField('链接3', '[链接文本3](https://www.example.com/link3)') .setColor('#0099ff'); message.channel.send(embed); } }); client.login('YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN'); 在上面的示例中,我们创建了一个MessageEmbed对象,并使用.setTitle()方法设置了嵌入消息的标题,使用.setDescription()方法设置...
我正在尝试使用discord.js v12创建一个嵌入,它一直显示这个错误 DiscordAPIError:无法发送空消息 这是我的代码: const infoembed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor('#0099ff') .setTitle(responce.asset.title) umsg.channel.send({ embeds: infoembed }); 浏览6提问于2021-10-05得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回...
确保你的 Discord 机器人在线,并嵌入消息可以通过在 Discord 中输入 !embed 命令来触发。 在on_message 事件处理程序中,我们创建了一个嵌入消息对象 embed,并使用 add_field 方法添加字段。然后,我们使用 message.channel.send 发送嵌入消息。 以上就是使用 discord.py 库在 Python 中发送嵌入消息到 Discord 的介绍...
constembed=newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setTitle('Example Embed').setColor('#00ff00').setDescription('This is an example embed.');msg.channel.send(embed.toString()); 这个函数会返回嵌入对象的 Markdown 字符串,可以直接发送到 Discord。 结语 ...
1. Dyno -Bot Link Best Discord Bots To Enhance Your Server in 2023: Dyno After setting up your Discord server, Dyno is probably the first Bot you need to add and here are reasons why ; Dyno sees to the automatic moderation of your Discord server. The Bot also provide Mod logs to see...
('这是一个嵌入').setDescription('嵌入的描述信息').setColor('BLUE').addFields({name:'字段 1',value:'值 1'},{name:'字段 2',value:'值 2'}).setFooter('这是一个底部信息','https://i.imgur.com/wSTFkRM.png').setTimestamp()constmsg=awaitmessage.channel.send({embed,components:[row]}...
Discordconstembed=newDiscord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("这是一个标题").setDescription("这里是嵌入式消息的描述内容。").setColor(0x00ff00);message.channel.send(embed); 这个代码片段将创建一个标题为 "这是一个标题",颜色为绿色的嵌入式消息,并在当前频道中发送它。
active_channelsis now expecting channel ids, not channel names active channels now also include threads (and hopefully the forums function) migrate!pobto/pobslash command currently sync command tree on every restart 2022-02-02: reworked importers, added flagenable_open_in_pob_feature = Truewhich ...
Step 1: Input the link you want a discord version of Step 2: It checks if the link exists in its json file, if yes skip to step 5 Step 3: The bot embeded in the website sends the link in a discord channel Step 4: The bot then copies the link's embed and is added to its ...
id)]['experience'] embed = discord.Embed(title = 'Level {}'.format(lvl), description = f"{exp} XP" ,color = discord.Color.green()) embed.set_author(name = member, icon_url = member.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed = embed) python discord.py Share Improve this question ...