LionBot (formerly StudyLion) is a Discord bot that tracks members' study and work time while offering members to view their statistics and use productivity tools such as: To-do lists, Pomodoro timers, reminders, and much more. - GitHub - StudyLions/Stud
As if that weren’t enough, you can auto-assign member roles, delete messages, and play songs from YouTube. Pricing MedalBot is free. 11. Statbot Statbot is a server stats Discord bot. It tracks stats like how many members you have, the number of messages, how many members are ...
Discord bot that plays Spotify tracks and YouTube videos or any URL including Soundcloud links and Twitch streams - robinfriedli/aiode
It is also an amazing Discord music bot. It can find any song title or lyric within seconds, making for an organized server. Note that the music plugin for MEE6 is restricted to premium members only. MEE6 Dashboard Invite to Server ...
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to make a Discord bot in Python and interact with several APIs. You'll learn how to handle events, accept commands, validate and verify input, and all the basics that can help you create useful and exciting
Green-bot is a multipurpose Discord bot that provides users with tools and features that can enrich their experience on Discord. Here are a few features of this 24/7 DJ: It can playhigh-quality music, change songs, remove duplicate tracks, and manage your playlists. ...
Hydra is a music bot which is invited to a Discord channel to bring music. It's one of a few different Discord bots that focus on bringing music to your Discord voice chat channels. With Hydra, community members can queue up songs in a collaborative playlist on the channel. Hydra joins ...
At the beginning of 2021, GameStop and its investors gained fame for halting Wall Street investors in their tracks, and it all was thanks to this group. Wallstreetbets is now the biggest crypto-related server on Discord crypto, with over 600,000 members. Many subchannels discuss cryptocurrency...
Chip bot incorporates a vast library of music of over 80,000 songs across genres. Moreover, it also supports various sources for music playback, including SoundCloud, and Spotify. This gives users the flexibility to choose their preferred source and play their favorite tracks seamlessly. ...
tracks[0]); if (!track) return await interaction.followUp({ content: `❌ | Track **${query}** not found!` });; return await interaction.followUp({ content: `⏱️ | Loading track **${track.title}**!` }); } }); client.login("BOT_TOKEN"); Supported ...