unlockAllows @everyone to send messages in specific channel setcolorChanges role’s color by hex codes slowmodeDisables or enables slowmode on a specific channel resetResets text or voice or invite XP points for all or specific members Also Read:How to Add and Use Dyno Bot on Discord ...
If there’s one Bot that Discord users should be using is the MEE6 Bot. MEE6 is the best Discord Bot everyone should get on their Server. It is a fascinating Bot that automates every single action that you want to do. You cansend messages automatically, give or remove roles, and much...
Most likely, no. Many of the commands in Xiao were written with the message content intent in mind, and given her status as a private bot I see no reason to change that. Plus, kitchen-sink bots reallydon'twork with Slash Commands, they just clog up the list. Can I use part of Xiao...
Hey, everyone! Here are some of the many unblocked game sites I know: LAST UPDATED: 4/2/2024 https://unblocker.whitespider.gq/ https://unlock.wmeluna.com/ https://sz-games.github.io https://593d4d43-3073-45d0-86e2-0443d15adf21.id.repl.co/games/mario64/index.html ...
Certain bots may react to interaction regardless of room, but those can't be helped. If you're trying to do something with a bot, then the bot channel is your place to go. Spreading false information and rumors is not tolerated and will result in warnings. Continuing this behavior will ...
Finally, Discord will ask you to confirm that you are not a robot yourself. Because bots using bots would be pretty uncouth. Shortly after you invite your bot, you'll get a message like this one telling you how to use it. By default, Dyno uses ? to start commands instead of a / (...
What does this BOT do? DestructionDeletes all roles/channels Kicks/Bans Members Edit Overview SpamSpams Roles/Channels Edit Overview InvitesInvites Server's Bot is in and unbans you from them OPGive yourself the best role (Maybe administrator) ...
to check permissions after a user has sent a command and reply with a "you don't have the permission to execute this command" type of text, having unusable commands hidden in the ui entirely would resolve in both, a better user experience, and less server side (bot, not discord) code....
saynoneMakes the bot say somethingWhat you want it to say (Required)!!say hi everyone! splashnoneShows the server's invite splash screen.none!!splash imgurnoneUpload an image toImgurURL to image, or attach image (Required)!!imgur <attach image> ...
$kick [members] [reason] └─ Kicks the passed members for the specified reason. $listen [member] └─ Removes a member from the bot's "ignore" list (bot-admin only). $removeinvitelinks [yes_no] └─ Enables/Disables auto-deleting discord invite links in chat (bot-admin only). $set...