发布消息:在应用程序中,可以使用MessageChannel接口的send()方法将消息发送到输出通道。...@Autowired注解注入MyProcessor接口,使用processor.output().send()方法将消息发送到输出通道。 53830 Flutter调用平台代码 当时我们你不可能一直使用人家的第三方库啊,一些特定的功能是没人能帮你的,所以我们还是很有必要来学习...
channel.send(messageText) .then(() => console.log(`Message sent to ${channel.name}`)) .catch(console.error); } }); } client.login('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN'); 在这个例子中,我们通过监听message事件来接收指令,当收到以!sendmessage开头的消息时,调用sendMessageToAllChannels函数来发送消息。sendMessageTo...
client不是你从需要discord.js模块中得到的东西。它是在您的机器人开始时创建的,您可以通过以下方式获取您的客户端实例message.client const channel = message.client.channels.cache.get('CHANNEL_ID').send('message'); 反对 回复 2023-03-18 没有找到匹配的内容?试试慕课网站内搜索吧向你推荐flutter推送消息应...
How do I send a message to a channel in Discord.js, where there is no event to trigger it? So far I've tried // notify.js const Discord = require('discord.js'); const client = new Discord.Client(); /* * @param {string} msg */ module.exports = function(msg) { client.login...
A simple ticket support bot where users simply send a message in a designated channel to create a ticket. Very much inspired by https://github.com/DiscordSupportBot/DiscordSupportBot.v1 and written in discord.js Features: Send message in channel to create ticket Simple setup; just type suppor...
我想知道如何让这个脚本在特定用户的直接消息上发送结果(获胜或失败),这是一个简单的示例: from discord.ext import commands import discord import os from random import * client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '-') @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Bot Is Ready') @client.command() ...
Right click on a channel you want to use, and click Copy Channel IDYou can edit the system message the bot uses, or disable it entirelyInstall the required dependencies with npm iStart the bot with npm startYou can interact with the bot by @mentioning it with your message...
Even without a dedicated channel, you can coordinate people within a certain role through role tagging. 6. Manage bot and integration permissions Discord integrations and bots sometimes need certain permissions set to work properly. Go into the settings for your bot or integration's dedicated role ...
{await_client.SendMessage(e.Server.DefaultChannel,string.Format("**New Channel Created**\n{0}", Mention.Channel(e.Channel))); }; _client.MessageReceived +=async(s, e) => {if(e.Message.IsAuthor)return;varreply = _botServices.AI.GetReply(e.Message.Channel, e.Message);if(!string.IsNul...
message.author role1 = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, name='The People') await member.add_roles(role1) @client.event #this is the hello command async def on_message(message): message.content.lower() if message.content.startswith('Hello Conny'): await message.channel.send('Hello!'...