Discord Bot in Python TutorialA simple discord bot as a teaching exercise for learning Python and Discord.py. This exercise is aimed at beginner programmers who have some experience with python but want a simple project to practice their skills on. It's also suitable for anyone who wants to ...
Discord Bot with Python共计10条视频,包括:Discord Bot with Python - Tutorial 1 - Getting Started、Discord Bot with Python - Tutorial 2 - Responding to Messages、Discord Bot with Python - Tutorial 3 - Reactions and Message Edits等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to make a Discord bot in Python and interact with several APIs. You'll learn how to handle events, accept commands, validate and verify input, and all the basics that can help you create useful and exciting
现在,只有具有特定角色的用户才能执行命令。如果其他任何人尝试执行“ping”命令,Bot将不作出响应。 这就是Discord Python Bot如何使用两个角色之一来执行命令的基本概述。你可以在Bot中添加更多的命令,并使用更多的Discord API功能,以增强你的Bot的功能和互动性。
南方**有你 上传19KB 文件格式 zip bot discord-bot bot-discord discord-js discordbot :laptop: 教程机器人 :round_pushpin: 安装依赖项 npm i | npm install :wrench: 设置 在项目的根目录中创建一个config.json文件,并添加: { "prefix": "!", "ownerID": "OWNER-ID-HERE", "token": "TOKEN-...
This is the 14th and final part of the tutorial course. Congratulations on getting this far. By using this course, you have learnt how to make a Discord bot in Python. You are now able to build bots for interacting with users and guilds that you…
Discord Bot in Python Model Answer This is a basic discord bot created by completing the tasks in this exercise. The bot has the following commands: !test - A test command to check the bot is functioning. It should reply "test successful" in the same channel. !hello - The bot replies ...
摸爬滚打,把所有能踩的坑都踩了,终于成功通过 python 把 chatGPT bot (对话机器人) 添加到 Discord ,等于是把灵魂注入了天才画家(一个比喻,别较真)。 首先说下目的:单独的MJ和单独的GPT都可以用,而且这个添加的 Bot 不像 GPT 侧边栏那样可以区分话题(虽然可以要求清除记忆),所以只是因为看到有人提到过,我也...
Idisagree是一款功能强大的计算机系统远程控制软件,该工具基于Python 3开发,可以使用Discord Bot来帮助广大研究人员实现设备的远程控制和管理。 需要注意的是,如果你要控制的目标设备是一台Windows设备,那么你可能需要自行编译一下你的Payload,这里可以选择使用py2exe或pyinstaller工具实现。 工具要求 Python 3.x pip3 Pyt...
bot.py import osimport randomimport discord 接下来,您需要从环境变量中检索 Discord API 令牌和您的机器人公会。你会使用的方法getenv从osPython标准库库。将以下代码附加到bot.py: bot.py ...token = os.getenv("DISCORD_TOKEN")my_guild = os.getenv("DISCORD_GUILD") ...