使用Python Discord bot播放YouTube音频可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,你需要创建一个Discord bot账号并获取其令牌(token)。你可以在Discord开发者门户...
打造家庭助理机器人OriginBot,我希望它能够识别并欢迎家庭成员。为此,我引入了“家人识别”功能,它由人脸检测和人脸识别两大核心部分组成。 人脸检测是识别摄像头图像中是否存在人脸的过程。...优点: 高精度:FaceNet 在 LFW(Labeled Faces in the Wild)和YouTubeFaces DB 等公开数据集上都取得了最好的性能。
YoutubeBot - a self-hosted Discord bot for playing YouTube videos Commands .play {url or search} - plays or queues a video, and joins VC if it's not already there. alternate: .p .skip {n} - skips n videos. Without n, skips only once. .skip all will skip every song and lea...
Discord bot that plays Spotify tracks and YouTube videos or any URL including Soundcloud links and Twitch streams - robinfriedli/aiode
Spotify, YouTube, Twitch, Playlists and More! | CSGO, Fortnite, !osu Stats | Server Management, Image Manipulation, Jokes, Games, etc. ViewAdd BotUpvote Power Glove (Retired) 0 FunMultipurpose Another random stuff bot, it draws molecular structures, it creates memes and you can talk to it...
Google Gemini API 使用大全 2:21 Gemini 官网 Google AI Studio 简介 3:30 如何在 Google Al Studio 中使用 Gemini Pro 8:29 如何获取 API Key 9:31 如何通过 Vertex AI 使用 Gemini Pro 14:01 如何通过 Zapier 使用 Vertex AI 20:24 如何使用 Gemini API 建一个 Discord Bot ===科技 软件应用 AI ...
Discord-Youtube-Notifier-Bot-V2 当提到的频道上传视频时,通知您的服务器的漫游器。 比以前的机器人快得多。 如果可以帮助您,请确保给存储库加注星标。 设置 在config.json文件中填写所有必要的详细信息。 阅读以下内容以获取有关配置的更多信息。 使用npm i或npm install安装所有依赖项。
We offer AI Chat, Images, Video, ASMR, Manga Reader and more! 💖 View Add Bot Upvote Lofi Radio 2 1M Music Social High quality Lo-Fi Radio bot that plays 24/7, for FREE! View Add Bot Upvote Lara✨ 2 357K Music YouTube High End 24/7 Music Bot With Custom-Playlist...
Free, no-code discord bot creator. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required.
Octave is one of the most popular music bots for Discord, and with good reason. This music bot lets you play any song available on YouTube or Soundcloud on your voice channels. You can also create playlists and add songs to them, or replay, pause, and queue songs. You can even ask ...