intents=discord.Intents.default())改为bot = commands.Bot(..., intents=intent),它会运行slap函...
if isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): await ctx.send("I dont have the permission to do that!") return 但它不起作用。错误是: Command raised an exception: Forbidden: 403 Forbidden (error code: 50013): Missing Permissions 如果用户尝试执行bot不能执行的命令,我将如何继续让bot说它...
1、Springboot discord bot没有响应 2、我的Discord bot没有响应从timezonedb提取数据的命令 3、Discord BOT在命令处没有响应并且没有控制台输出(discord.js) 4、discord bot命令运行,但在尝试繁殖时遇到了问题 5、Discord.js命令处理程序bot没有响应 6、Python不协调bot没有响应命令 3个 1、Python 进阶应用教程...
default() intents.message_content = True bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='%', intents=intents) 当互联网连接关闭时,该机器人会因错误而完全关闭。 我无法设法将我的 调用正确地放入循环中,以便在每个此类错误时完全关闭。 在stackoverflow 上,这里有一些关于循环 client.r...
@bot.command(pass_context=True)asyncdeflongCommand(ctx):#typing statussleep(10) bot.say("Done!") 不幸的是,在文档或此处没有找到任何内容。 编辑:较新版本的 discord 要求您使用新语法: @bot.command()asyncdefmycommand(ctx):asyncwithctx.typing():# do expensive stuff hereawaitasyncio.sleep(10)awai...
So im trying to make a discord bot, after going through issues with intent I ended up pip installing an older version of discord with this code: "pip install -U discord==1.7.3 pip install -U". With my bot finally online, I get this message in the...
check(reaction, user)是一个用于检查当前用户是否与投票者相同,以及当前反应是否为提前定义的两个反应之一的函数。 结论 这是如何在Python Discord Bot中等待响应的快速介绍。使用这些方法可以让您的机器人与用户之间更加互动。感谢您的阅读!
Python This is a modification of the well-known Calypso Bot which will be improved little by little botbackupdiscord-music-botdiscorddiscordjsdiscord-botdiscord-jsdiscordbotdiscord-botsbotsfordiscorddiscordv13 UpdatedMay 23, 2024 JavaScript C# lib that allows you to post your bots server count to...
To enable a command to be used with the $ prefix and as a slash command, create a commands.Bot, and register a HybridCommand with the @commands.Bot.hybrid_command decorator. import discord from discord.ext import commands bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="$", intents=int...
Why isn't my bot responding to commands? Ensure that the channels your bots have access to allow the bot to have these permissions. Send Messages Send Messages in Threads Create Public Threads Manage Messages (only for moderation to delete blocked messages) ...