向带有线程库python的discord bot添加超时 嵌入斜杠命令中的随机颜色(Discord.js) Discord.JS,对向Bot发送特定短语的用户进行编号 on_message使我的所有bot.commands停止工作 创建一个使用多个嵌入字段响应的discord bot命令 Discord bot命令在我删除代码后继续工作,并输出几个我删除的字符串 页面内容是否对你有帮助...
断开用户与Python的连接(discord bot)是指在使用discord bot时,用户与Python程序之间的连接被中断或关闭。discord bot是一种基于discord平台的机器人程序,用于自动化执行特定任务或提供特定功能。 当用户与Python程序之间的连接断开时,可能是由于以下几种情况: 用户主动断开连接:用户可能主动关闭与discord bot的对话或退...
@client.command()@commands.is_owner() async def shutdown(ctx): await ctx.bot.logout() 所以每次如果你想编辑你的命令,你写 /shutdown 并编辑它,之后,你可以再次启动它。 我希望这对您有用,并且我可以提供帮助。
Why isn't my bot responding to commands? Ensure that the channels your bots have access to allow the bot to have these permissions. Send Messages Send Messages in Threads Create Public Threads Manage Messages (only for moderation to delete blocked messages) ...
// Run main.py python main.py // It should display a error that you dont have a config.yml and generates automatically a template // Put your discord bot token into the config.yml discord.token field // Run main.py again python main.py Music features This feature requires ffmpeg.exe ...
摸爬滚打,把所有能踩的坑都踩了,终于成功通过 python 把 chatGPT bot (对话机器人) 添加到 Discord ,等于是把灵魂注入了天才画家(一个比喻,别较真)。 首先说下目的:单独的MJ和单独的GPT都可以用,而且这个添加的 Bot 不像 GPT 侧边栏那样可以区分话题(虽然可以要求清除记忆),所以只是因为看到有人提到过,我也...
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to make a Discord bot in Python and interact with several APIs. You'll learn how to handle events, accept commands, validate and verify input, and all the basics that can help you create useful and exciting
bot The community bot for the Python Discord community king-arthur King Arthur is the DevOps helper bot for Python Discord metricity Advanced metric collection for the Python Discord server sir-lancebot A Discord bot started as a community project for Hacktoberfest 2018, later evolved to an in...
bot needs to get information about an offline user, the relevant information may not be present in your cache. In this case, it makes sense to make a request to the REST API. Or, if you find yourself frequently needing to get information about offline users, you can opt to send a...
Since the language and wrapper don’t affect your bot’s functionality, choose one based on your familiarity and preferences.For a beginner, we recommend using Python, one of the simplest and best programming languages to learn. It is easier to read and maintain than JavaScript, simplifying the...