limit Number Max number of messages to return (1-100) DiscordBot.getChannelSingleMessage Returns the message from a channel. FieldTypeDescription accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord channelId Number Id of the guild channel messageId Number Id of the message Disco...
await ctx.send('Hello, World!')'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') 在上述代码中,@commands.cooldown()装饰器用于向on_message事件和my_command命令添加冷却时间或速率限制。参数1表示每个用户在冷却时间内只能触发一次事件或命令,60表示冷却时间为60秒,commands.BucketType.user表示限制是基于用户级别的。 如果...
', intents=intents) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {bot.user}') @bot.command() async def history(ctx, limit: int = 10): async for message in await ctx.send(f'{}: {message.content}')'YOUR_BOT_...
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN ・DiscordBotのトークン。USER_LIMIT ・DiscordAPIを叩く際に取得するユーザーの上限。値は何でもいいが大きいと処理が重くなる。YouTube Data API jsonの中身が機密情報の塊なので、一気に説明する。 登録する環境変数は以下の通り7つ。 YOUTUBE_ACCESS_TOKEN YOUTUBE_CLIENT...
when the context limit is reached, or a max message count is reached in the thread, bot will close the thread you can customize the bot instructions by modifyingconfig.yaml you can change the model, the default value isgpt-3.5-turbo ...
Discord的No Man's Sky功能很给力,但他们正在完善中,有条件可以支持他们,他们以后会越来越完善,更完美!在新人进入时会有一天测试员角色权限(活动,具体情况请询问管理员)这时间内可以生成部件,颜色,底色等等。输入.limits命令,CommandLimit就是当前你能生成多少次,注意输错格式也算计次测试员角色到期变为一般角色,只能...
See this website for some documentation on using the bot. TODO working REPL (need to mock guild state to force admin) dealing with long messages (2000 char limit?) update documentation more context cancellation follow-throughAbout A bot for discord enabling event signups
if(currentdate.getMinutes() == currentdate.getHours()) { bot.channels.get('SPECIFICCHANNELID').send('Touchez votre nez :nose:'); } It's sort of working since the message is sent by the bot in the right channel, but the message is only sent when the bot detects a message, so ...
There is a limit of 10 choices, but you only have to use a slash command within the chat to create a poll. When you're done creating your poll, simply click 'Send' and your poll will appear in chat. Do more on Discord with IFTTT Using Discord polls is a great way to get feed...
Since you're using discord api, if you read the description of send_message, if you send a message longer than 2000 chrs, discord raises a 400 request error. For that Discord's character limit is 2000. As you can see, it's not actually a real error, discord.errors.HTTPException: BAD...