命令的名称是其文件的名称。 例如,ping.js文件将位于_prefix_ping命令的Discord上(前缀是config.json文件中定义的前缀) 如何创建Discord机器人? 在上创建一个bot应用程序,并获取令牌,将其放入config.json文件中的token变量中 在.js格式的命令文件夹中创建代码 在example.js文件中可以找到表单的示例...
该模板旨在帮助具有足够常识并且没有编码背景的任何人创建自己的不和谐bot并对其进行编码以使其存活! 除README.md文件外,还有2个文件: index.js ; 机器人无需任何编辑即可联机 config.json ; 配置文件将需要输入(这是您的机器人的令牌和前缀) 如何在Discord上安装您的机器人 第一步是安装node.js和discord.js。
Repository files navigation README discord-bot-website-template Free Website Template For Your Discord Bot (html,css) Example: https://bot-template.netlify.app Discord Server: https://discord.gg/dNTwhCGcjY If You Dont Want To Setup The Template I Can Set It Up For You For 5$About...
🐍 A simple template to start to code your own and personalized Discord bot in Python python discord discordapp discord-bot discord-server discord-py slash-commands python-bot discord-net hacktoberfest discordbot krypton discord-bot-template python-discord-bot discord-automation user-discord python...
gitclonehttps://github.com/Nouridio/Discord-bot-website-template.git ``` Open index.html and start to use the website Built With Bootstrap- The web framework used Now-ui-kit- Dependency Management Authors Nouridio License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see theLICENSE.mdfi...
If you visit the Discord server now, you will see that a notification has already been sent by Discord, and the bot is now also showing up in the members’ list on the right side. Adding Functionality To The Bot Now that our bot is connected with the server, if you send a “Hello”...
Start creating your server by clicking the + icon on the left side of your screen, below the icons of the servers you follow. Discord will prompt you to choose a template or start from scratch. Templates provide a ready-to-go list of channels. If you see one that sounds similar to ...
you have the tickbox next toAdministratorticked—this will grant the bot administrator permissions. Then clickAuthorize. Discord will ask you to solve aCAPTCHAbefore the bot joins the server. You’ll now have the Discord bot on the members list in the server you added the bot to underoffline...
To start a new Discord server, click the plus sign beneath your server icons on the left side of your screen. From there, you can create a server from scratch or choose a template. The templates give you a list of channels to start with that you can edit however you like. After you...
Choose a Template or click on the Create My Own option. Discord will prompt you to give more details about your server. You can pick either option or click on skip this question. Give your server a name before hitting the Create button. Related How to create a Discord bot and ad...