Some use Discord bots to play music on their servers, while others use them for moderating purposes, such as providing server administration tools (kicking/banning players, assigning roles, etc.) If you're looking for a bot that can do something specific, you can use our search bar to ...
Discord is making major changes to its child safety policies, banning teen dating and artificial intelligence-generated child sex images.
This bot also has its currency system which is both fun and rewarding. You can customize stealing, gambling, and bank robbing within your server. Also, to maintain decorum, there is an option to set keywords and image examples for banning deserving people from the server....
The Dyno bot is all set to moderate your server. The bot has many features, but let’s stick with banning a user for this guide. Part 2: Use the Bot to Ban Someone Step 1: Open the Discord app on your PC or mobile device and navigate to your server. Note: We are going with ... importdiscordimportosimportjsonfromdiscord.extimportcommands client = commands.Bot(command_prefix =".") client.remove_command("help")@client.eventasyncdefon_ready():print("Global Banning System is online!")forfilenameinos.listdir("cogs"):iffilename.endswith(".py"): client.load_extensi...
MEE6, one of the most popular Discord bots, can scan your entire server chat for rule violations. If the bot detects instances of spam, bad language, or any other rule violation, it will dish out penalties, such as muting, kicking, and even permanently banning members. Source: MEE6 ...
Every time I message people on discord it won’t go through because it will say failed to send message from a bot which is very frustrating. How can I use the app if that is constantly an issue and I have checked everything that may be the cause of it and everything is correct.Plea...
such as adding moderators orsetting up a botto help filter messages. If users start to cause trouble, however, you’ll need to take drastic action to assert your authority. You can do this by kicking them, which allows them to rejoin later, or by banning them from your server for good...
What Is a Bot? Discord is growing in popularity. As such, automated processes, such as banning inappropriate users and reacting to user requests are vital for a community to thrive and grow. Automated programs that look and act like users and automatically respond to events and commands on Dis...
9. Typical Bot Typical bot is another best discord bots on the list. The name of the useful Discord bots is quite ironic, and it is also very powerful. It provides all the essential moderation tools, it provides a lot of features like soft-banning, kicks or ban or even announces the ...