A powerful Discord moderation bot that is stable, fast and easy to use. javascript bot js discord discordjs discord-bot discord-js discordjs-bot discordbot discord-bots discord-moderation-bot discordjsbot discord-purge discord-moderation discordjs-app discordjs-v12 discordjsv12 dcbots discord-pur...
Carl-bot:一个可以帮助您进行审核、自动修改和自定义命令的机器人。 Discord.js:一个允许您创建具有独特特性和功能的自定义机器人的机器人。 除了上述解决方案外,还可以采取避免在消息和图像中使用攻击性语言或内容。使用正确的标点符号,避免在消息中过多使用大写字母。避免在短时间内发送过多的消息或图像。 推荐:Mi...
Fill out the .env file with your discord bot token & guild id Video Commands This is not featured in any of the videos, however feel free to explore the videocmds folder. There are 3 commands in there: !purge [channelname=current] [limit=100] -> Deletes X number of messages including...
Auto Purge The bot can be configured to periodically purge old users without roles. See cleanup in the config. Auto Role Update The bot can be configured to periodically update a user's role based on their Fanbox subscription. See auto_role_update in the config. When only_check_current_sub...
purge?ban?kick?smite?colorBot Settings?togglemute?togglebanmessages?togglerigged?toggledad?togglechatbotCommand Settings?enable?disable?mutecmd?unmutecmd?allowbot?show?reset?resetcharacters?changeprefixRaids and Logging?lockdown?setlogchannelHungry GamesTime Control?hg auto?hg pause?hg start?hg end?hg ...
n!purge @someone <messages_to_check> will check X messages, and will delete them if the author is the specified user. Also n!clean. n!spam <amount> <message> will spam the specified messae in the current channel the amount of times.This commands will only work if you are the bot ow...
A moderation suite containing a fleshed out AutoMod system, extensive punishment history, and an ability to manage users on the fly with the /users command. 🗒️ Logging An in-depth logging system, auditing every action taken on your Discord server through Auxdibot. 💻 Embed Creator An ...
Arcane bot provides exclusive features for a moderator, take a look at these to learn more: The important and very useful feature of Arcane bot is itsauto-moderationfeature, the only thing you need to do is to set rules as you would do for normal moderation in a server. After that, wat...
The MEE6 bot is one of the most powerful options at your disposal if you want to purge your server channels. The bot can do up to 1,000 messages per action, though you can specify any other number. This bot allows you to delete indiscriminately or only messages from particular users. ...
我们将会使用: Node.js TypeScript Discord.js,Discord API的包装器 InversifyJS,一个依赖注入框架测试库:Mocha,Chai和ts-mockito...然后输入并通过运行以下命令创建一个新的 Node.js 项目: 1npm init 注意:你也可以用 yarn,但为了简洁起见,我们用了 npm。...这是新的 Bot 类: 1import {Client, Mes...