Make sure you add a .env file (an .env.example is given) at the base directory (DiscordBot) with all the required API key for different services so that all service can be connected. The .env file should look like this APPLICATION_ID=YOUR_APP_IDTOKEN=YOUR_BOT_TOKENTENOR_API_KEY=YOUR...
Diabot is a public Discord bot. This means that anyone can invite the bot to their server. Hosting a public bot isn't free. Diabot requires a machine to run on, and a database. Both of these things cost money. While there is a budget to ensure Diabot can continue running without ...
FF Plugin-x32: PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.xfdf -> C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\FOXIT SOFTWARE\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll [No File]FF Plugin-x32: BYOND -> C:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND\bin\npbyond.dll [2008-07-08]...
Go to the "Bot" Tab. Make sure you turn the "Public Bot" Setting Off and turn on all the Settings in "Priveleged Gateway Intents" Head over to the "OAuth2" Tab. In the OAuth URL Generator section select the "Bot" and "application.commands" boxes To avoid issues in the future chec...
But because Discord is such a popular application, free tools were developed to help you add or make a bot without or with minimal coding knowledge. Bots can help you do everything from automating ordinary tasks to start playing music across your server. In this article, we’ll present the...
The first step is to create an application on Discord for your bot to work. The idea here is to generate a token for your bot so that Discord recognizes the code. For this, you'll need to head over to Discord's applications page. You'll be sent directly to the page once you log ...
Step 2:Now you’ll need to create an application on Discord to make your bot work. This takes a little doing, but it’s not too complex. The goal here is to get an authorization token for the bot so that Discord recognizes your code and adds it to the bot on its servers. ...
配置第三方登录的站点是https://discourse.chandz.com一、配置github登登录1、在github注册一个新的应用 2、配置 GitHub获取Client ID和Client secretsApplication name:根据需求填写,本次填写为 Hom ...
Bot inDiscordwithdiscord.js (10),本页介绍了下拉菜单 SelectMenu Bot inDiscordwithdiscord.js (10)注意本文起,项目已从Discord.js v14.6.0 更新至 v14.7.1。你可以在项目目录中执行 npm installdiscord.js@v14.7.1 来 discord更新host Math 下拉菜单 ...
as the service could theoretically remove them at any time. As well, sensitive information should not be stored on Discord, as there is no authentication done on file access, aside from authentication enforcement that verifies the download request came from the Discord application within the last ...