在 Linux 系统中,您可以使用广播消息功能向当前登录的用户发送通知或警告。广播消息可以用于系统管理员向...
Many native apps send push notifications to the user...许多本机应用程序将推送通知发送给用户。 但这也可以使用PWA和Notifications API来实现。 ...在本教程中,我们将使用OneSingal将通知发送到我们的Web应用程序。 OneSignal是功能强大的工具,提供了用于推送通知的简单界面。...OneSignal希望验证只有您可以将通...
在新的Discord API更新中,Intent做了一些更改。要获取消息的消息内容,您需要message_contentIntent。这是...
platform=server"self.netease_registry_url="https://api.netease.im/nimserver/user/create.action"# 网易云信 IM get user info endpoint# https://doc.yunxin.163.com/messaging/docs/zI0NzYyMDQ?platform=serverself.netease_get_userinfo_url="https://api.netease.im/nimserver/user/getUinfos.action"#...
Send a direct message to a user. discordClient.sendDirectMessage('userId', { content: 'Hello there!' }).then(message => { console.log('Direct message sent:', message); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }); getAuditLogs() Retrieve audit logs from a guild. discordClient.getAu...
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds Actions 展開表格 Execute Webhook This request executes a webhook by using a webhook id and token. Get Current User Returns the user object of the requestors account. Get Current User Guilds Returns a list of partial guild objects the current user is...
Discord4J is a fast, powerful, unopinionated, reactive library to enable quick and easy development of Discord bots for Java, Kotlin, and other JVM languages using the official Discord Bot API. 🏃 Quick Example In this example for v3.2, whenever a user sends a !ping message the bot will...
This change introduces new concepts and fields across the API that apps will now encounter— ### API Changes **Concepts:** - [Installation context](#DOCS_RESOURCES_APPLICATION/installation-context) defines how an app was installed: to a user, a guild (server), or both. Currently, apps will...
sendStreamMessage( { user: userInfo?.username, status: CMD_END_STREAM, }, channelId ); 第二玩家的状态可以类比第一个玩家用额外的自定义消息实现, 这里不做重复. 关于自定义消息, 原本它的作用是邀请用户加入频道, 你可以在components/CustomMsg中找到, 我们要额外识别一下直播消息(可以渲染在消息列表里,...
message_window_size=20, model=qwen_model ) 将外部知识插入到代理中 knowledge_message = BaseMessage.make_user_message( role_name="User", content=f"基于以下知识:{knowledge}") chat_agent.update_memory(knowledge_message,"user") 基础聊天机器人设置 ...