Roles determine a member's admin permissions, accessible channels, name color, and appearance on your server's Online list. This Discord support article explains how role hierarchies and permissions work in detail, and it's worth checking out as you're getting started. If you have a normal ...
“Allow anyone to @mention this role” allows anyone to mention all users with the role by typing @<rolename> in their message. “Administrator” grants users with this role full admin powers over the server. While administrators can’t delete the server, they can essentially do everything e...
一个Role也可是另一个角色的成员,子role可以继承父role的权限。 1...、创建数据库的权限。...Schema的权限使用管理员角色新创建一个schema: [gpadmincloud@mdw-snova-aqfhzkhe ~]$ psql -d postgres psql (9.4.24) Type...表的增删改查权限使用管理员角色新创建一张表: [gpadmincloud@mdw-snova-aqfhzk...
On the main Roles page, click and drag the six dots that appear when you hover over a role name to move the role. When you're managing permissions for a specific role, you can drag the roles on the list to the left to set your hierarchy. Role permissions When you click over to the...
To create a role, you must be the owner or admin on the server. If you're a regular server user, you can't make or assign roles. However, if you're an admin, you should be careful in assigning powerful roles because that'show servers get nuked. ...
Parent PermissionDefaultDescriptionChild Permissions discordsrv.playertrueparent permission of player-related function of discordsrv.linked discordsrv.discord discordsrv.nicknamesync discordsrv.adminOPparent permission of admin-related functions of Discord...
设置用户角色以使权限更易于管理 (Set Up User Roles to Make Permissions Easier to Manage) Roles in Discord give users specific permissions. You could, for example, create a role for moderators and give that role the ability to ban users and delete messages. Any users you assign to that role...
@client.command()@commands.has_permissions(administrator=True)asyncdefadmin_only(ctx):awaitctx.send("这个命令只能由管理员运行") 上面的代码要求用户必须是管理员才能运行admin_only命令。如果不是管理员,则会抛出一个错误。 确认用户具有特定角色 除了检查用户是否有管理员权限之外,我们还可以检查他们是否具有特定...
To remove a role that has been assigned to a member, scroll over the role to the right of the member’s name and click the ‘X’ located inside the colored circle. Channel Permissions For Admins and Otherwise As an added boost of server status, you can also assign varying permissions to...
the permission settings can be very confusing. Working out what roles you should create and how you should manage them can take time. When combined with role-based permissions, channel permissions can be a powerful tool. You can make voice channels that only admin users can access, you can ...