SSL_CACERT错误,大概的意思是没有设置证书。当前使用的 curl版本为:libcurl/7.28.1 OpenSSL/1.0....
2024 年 3 月 6 日晚23:30-0:00(北京时间),Aleo官方在Discord频道召开了社区电话会议,Aleo基金会执行董事(原首席执行官)Alex Pruden作为主讲嘉宾,重点介绍了Aleo项目目前的进展情况,并回答了社区用户的提问。#Aleo#零知识证明#Web3, 视频播放量 53、弹幕量 0、点
errorCode...不过,首先我们要说明的是,PDO 的错误处理机制针对的是 PDO 对象中的数据操作能力,如果在实例化 PDO 对象的时候就产生了错误,比如数据库连接信息不对,那么直接就会抛出异常。...这个在实例化连接数据库过程中的错误处理机制是固定的,不是我们能修改的错误处理机制,毕竟如果连数据库连接都无法建立的话,...
config/discord/0.0.22/modules/pending/ 3% 如果更新失败,可能是网络不通的缘故,因此, 可以ping 官网看看网络是否正常: root@k8s-node2:~# ping discord.comPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=...
If you have any questions, or any issues with the updated code, please don’t hesitate to let me know! Happy Coding, Roman Beard 1 Like wh0August 19, 2022, 4:13pm4 did you find out what line was causing that specific error in the original? it looked likeclientgets initialized pretty...
Code Issues Pull requests Discussions An advanced discord bot made with 2.4.0 Context commands, Views, Modals, Slash commands, Hybrid commands, Group commands, commands, database support, dynamic structure, socket interface, error-handling, logging, ANSI, translator and more. python bot...
Summary WSServerHandshakeError: 503, message='Invalid response status' Reproduction Steps Copy example for repository/net and run Minimal Reproducible Code import discord from discord.ext import commands TOKEN = "x" intents = discord.Int...
Find theCache,Code Cache,andGPUCachefolders and press theShift + Deletekeys to delete them permanently. Check if Discord messages can load properly. Also Read:How to Delete Temporary Internet Files? Fix 3: Use VPN If you encounter the Discord messages failed to load issue after changing location...
Discord 宣布,该平台现已添加连接 PSN 账号的功能。用户将自己的 Discord 账号与 PSN 账号连接后,可在 Discord 上显示当前 PS4/PS5 的游戏活动状态。 用户还可以选择将 PSN ID 显示在个人资料中。该服务目前仅在美国推出,会在几周内陆续登陆其他地区。
3. Clear Discord cache PressWindows+Eto openFile Explorer, paste the following path in the address, and hitEnter:%appdata%\discord Locate and select theCache,CodeCache, andGPUCachefolders, then hit theDeletekey. Choose the appropriate response in case a confirmation prompt appears. ...