词条disconnect在英语 » 德语中的译文 (跳至德语 » 英语) I .dis·con·nect[ˌdɪskəˈnekt]动词trans电气 显示动词变位表 1. disconnect(turn off): todisconnectsth etwtrennen[o.abschalten] whileweweretalkingonthephonewesuddenlygotdisconnected ...
Define disconnect. disconnect synonyms, disconnect pronunciation, disconnect translation, English dictionary definition of disconnect. v. dis·con·nect·ed , dis·con·nect·ing , dis·con·nects v. tr. 1. To sever or interrupt the connection of or betw
disco discombobulate discombobulated discomboobulated disconnect disconnect (someone or something) from (someone or something) disconnect from discount discourage discourage (someone) from (something) discourage from discourse discourse (up)on (something) ...
I received this error when doing 'svn update': svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL … .
No Disco by:华语音乐 5546 disco time by:Eric英语工作室北京 8423 Disco HouseNu-Disco 美金资源¥ by:DJ_Pin 12.3万 经典disco舞曲 by:团团的童话世界 9.7万 2003-2005精选DISCO by:DJ经典音乐舞曲 1.7万 Disco Profs-Matt Coldrick by:小众style ...
I created a VPN connection on Windows 10 Pro 2004 19041.746 using a PowerShell command: Add-VpnConnection -Name "Test VPN" -ServerAddress libreswan-server-address -TunnelType Ikev2 -AuthenticationMethod MachineCertificate -EncryptionLevel…
discocephalous discoctaster discodactylous discodermolide discogastrula Discoglossidae Discognathichthys discoid Discoidal Cleavage Discoidiidae Discolichenes Discolomidae discoloration discomfort glare discomfort index discomposition discomposition effect ...
层三信令“disconnect”原因值解析 热度: Connect/disconnect 热度: AMP Manual Service Disconnect - TE Connectivity 热度: Disconnect的原因 1Unassigned(unallocated)number(未指定【未分配】号码) 3Noroutetodestination(无目的地路由) ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook DPR (redirected fromDisconnect-Peer-Request) Category filter: AcronymDefinition DPRDepartment (al) Performance Report DPRDepartment of Pesticide Regulation(California) ...
RESOURCETYPE_DISK Se desconecta de los recursos de disco. Valor devueltoSi la función se ejecuta correctamente, el valor devuelto es NO_ERROR. Si el usuario cancela el cuadro de diálogo, el valor devuelto es –1.Si se produce un error en la función, el valor devuelto es un código de...