3、再跑 request100DisableKeepAlive1,或者 request100DisableKeepAlive2,主动关闭 keep-alive,看网络状态,就会发现多了 TIME_WAIT 的连接 ,说明 keep-alive 没有生效。bingoobjca@bogon ~> netstat -p tcp -van|grep 8080 |wc -l 103bingoobjca@bogon ~> netstat -p tcp -van|grep 8080tcp46 0...
在看apollo 客户端的时候,里面有一个实现类HttpUtil.java,看到 HttpURLConnection 在创建使用后,并没有调用 disconnect 方法去关闭连接,根据说明,是为了 keep-alive 保持会话。 private <T> HttpResponse<T> doGetWithSerializeFunction(HttpRequest httpRequest, Function<String, T> serializeFunction) { InputStream...
Issue. Intermittently (after several hours or so, although it can take longer) the Paho client gets suddenly disconnected by the broker which logs a keepalive timeout as the reason for disconnection. In each case the last pub and sub to Mosquitto have been within the most recent keepalive p...
KeepAliveTimeout141 0x8D - Keep Alive timeout Sent by: Server Description: The Connection is closed because no packet has been received for 1.5 times the Keepalive time. SessionTakenOver142 0x8E - Session taken over Sent by: Server Description: Another Connection using the same ClientID has...
Describe the bug When the server disconnects a client (i.e. via DisconnectClientAsync) with reason SessionTakenOver or KeepAliveTimeout then a DISCONNECT package is sent to clients. The MQTT 3.1.1 specification only mentions that DISCONN...
Enable the RDP Keep-Alive control: REG ADD "HKLM\BROKENSYSTEM\ControlSet001\control\Terminal Server\Winstations\RDP-Tcp" /v 'KeepAliveTimeout' /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f REG ADD "HKLM\BROKENSYSTEM\ControlSet002\control\Terminal Server\Winstations\RDP-Tcp" /v 'KeepAliveTimeout' /...
timer server timeout timers timers buffer-invite timers comet timers connect timers connection aging timers connection establish timers disconnect timers dns timers expires timers hold timers info timers keepalive timers notify timers options timers prack timers refer timers register timers rel1xx timers ...
no h225 timeout keepalive ! voice class codec 1 codec preference 1 g729r8 codec preference 2 g729br8 codec preference 3 g711ulaw ! voice class h323 1 h225 timeout tcp establish 3 ! voice translation-rule 1 rule 1 /^91/ /1/ rule 2 /^92/ /2/ rule 3 /^93/ /3/ rule 4 ...
(T8656) 04/01/20 13:56:18:441 Info ( 494): VPN timeout due to keepalive, get out of ProcMonitor (T8656) 04/01/20 13:56:18:441 Debug( 502): Tunnel downtime is 50 seconds (T8656) 04/01/20 13:56:18:441 Debug(4772): Show Gateway prodvpn.smashfly.com...
These messages are sent less frequently than IPsec's keepalive messages. You can enable both the Secure Firewall ASA (gateway) and Cisco Secure Client to send DPD messages, and configure a timeout interval. If the client does not respond to the ...