The disco ball served as the climax of the weekends entertainment and began to rotate and as Nile Rodgers and Chic took to the stage to perform on the festival’s Main Stage. Pics:Victor Frankowski/Bestival Bestival Guinness World Record for Largest Disco Ball. I love that it...
Hungary16.09.11-Coach & HorsesB'Kara,Malta13.08.11-House Partywith The Clandestines,Pembroke14.04.11-Tamesis Dockalbert embankment,London25.03.11-Cindie FestivalXemxija,Malta03.03.11-DER GUTE CLUB, B72Vienna,Austria11.01.11-Buffalo Bar259 Upper StreetLondon, UK18.12.10-Escape ClubSupport forHandsome...