partnerperspectiverelationship statusyoung personsThis article explores the experiences of HIV-positive adolescents disclosing their status to romantic partners in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Disclosure of HIV status continues to be one of the most pressing issues facing adolescents, especially those in relationships...
Thirteen had disclosed their HIV+ status to > 1 sex partner (disclosure to 20 of 49 partners). Positive emotional outcomes included increased relationship closeness (n = 9) and positive feelings about disclosure (n = 11); one said I had to deal with the situation of telling somebody he ...
While sharing your status with an HIV-negative sexual partner can be very difficult, it may also give you the opportunity to speak about ways in which your partner’s health can be protected, such as using condoms, you being undetectable or your partner starting PrEP. While your HIV-status ...
HIV symptoms may include fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat and rash. Later stages may lead to weight loss, night sweats, and opportunistic infections.
HIV disclosure is the verbal or nonverbal transmission of one's HIV status to friends, family, or casual/main sexual partners. It is a form of interpersonal health communication that, due to the unique nature of HIV/AIDS as a disease, has been studied in distinction to other types of disc...
While in most cases, sharing your HIV status is a personal choice, in some states, specific laws actually make it a crime not to disclose your status to a sexual partner. Check with your state’s department of health or get in touch with your local AIDS service organization if you have ...
who have sex with men and women (MSMW) who do not disclose their same-sex behavior to their female partners (referred to by some as men "on the down low") were examined, including the potential for these men to serve as a "bisexual bridge" for HIV and STD acquisition and transmission...
Our most frequently ordered panel includes 10 STD tests and will provide peace of mind quickly for you, and your partner! Want an even more comprehensive screening? Just add-on Trichomoniasis and HIV Early Detection to really know your health status!
later accepted.This study has shown that newly diagnosed HIV pregnant women accessing eMTCT services have a plan of either to disclose or conceal their HIV status from their male sexual partner and this decision is affected by the nature of relationship that exist between them and their partner....
My interest in comparing the' sex talk' of the three friendship groups in my study first arose when I became aware that Pat and her white/mixed British working-class friends had dedicated almost a quarter of their total talking time to sex and sexuality-related topics. Working-class girls' ...