(2010). Establishing positive discipline policies: An urban elementary school case study. Manuscript submitted for publication.Feuerborn, L. L., & Tyre, A. D. (2008). Establishing positive discipline policies in an urban elementary school. Contemporary School Psychology, 16, 47-59. doi:10.1007/...
school-baseddiscipline policiesandmeasures in accordance with the needs of the students [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 教育局局長:主席,教育局在“學校行政手冊”(“手冊”)及 “學生訓育工作 指引”(“指引”)中,均有給予學校適當的指引,鼓勵學校按其學生的需要 及學校發展的情況,制訂校本的訓育...
Parents make a difference in student achievement and behavior. Schools should institute policies requiring teachers to contact parents periodically throughout the year. Half-term or end-of-term reports are often not enough. Calling takes time, but parents can often provide solutions to difficult class...
A Study of Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools: A Multi㊣ntegrated Systems Approach to Improve Outcomes for Adolescents PROBLEM: School officials throughout the United States have adopted zero tolerance policies to address student discipline, resulting in an increase in out-... SC Teske - 《Journal...
Construction Of 'Whiteness': Race, Culture And 'Other' In Australian Curriculum: Health And Physical Education PE Educational policies are concerned with the government, and hence, care, management, discipline and regulation of individuals and school populations. They ... Garrett,Robyne | Wrench,Ali...
(1999). Changing disciplinary policies and practices: Finding a place for functional behavioral assessment in schools. Preventing School Failure, 43, 64-70.Gable, R. A., Hendrickson, J. M., & Smith, C. (1999). Changing discipline policies and practices: Finding a place for functional ...
families will be informed of the District's policies regarding student behavior and discipline procedures. The foregoing committees, study groups, or faculty councils shall serve as advisory, consultative and fact-finding bodies only, and the Board shall not be required to adopt any of the recommend...
The use of remedial justice practices and the influence of leaders on school discipline policies also play important roles in shaping school discipline. 4. What are the objectives of school discipline? The objectives of school discipline include maintaining a safe and friendly learning environment for...
state-level judicial–legal climate does appear to influence administrators' discipline policies; that students appear to be truant less often when discipline is stricter; and that school and long-run labor participation outcomes appear higher for students from schools with stricter discipline policies. ...
Policies and practices of "discipline" in schools are associated with social and political factors and events. Massive, formal, education as it is structured since it has been established, premises a specific framework in order to be operative. A number of rules and routines are necessary to ...