Public SchoolsThe use of exclusionary discipline (ExD) was compared for U.S. public pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) and K-12 grades within the same school. ExD rates were 10 times higher in K-12 than in Pre-K when calculated for all schools but ExD rates were comparable for schools that ...
This article presents the results of a study on the use of an investigative activity on the content of photosynthesis and respiration in a class in the sixth year of primary education in the discipline of Sciences, in a public school in the city of Londrina, Brazil. The school where the ...
Part IV explains why schools lack authority to punish students for their off-campus speech, including their speech on the internet. Part V considers punishment of students for disseminating the speech of others through uncensored forums. It proposes that the statutory immunity found in Section 230(...
Public schools often consider it appropriate to impose discipline for students' Internet communications. This article explores the proper legal response to student Internet speech whose effects are felt on campus. It concludes that students' off-campus speech - including speech over the Internet - enjo...
Three hundred twenty-two teachers were surveyed to determine the amount of in-service training they received in discipline during the past school year, how many hours they thought they needed and their feelings toward establishing a discipline committee. Sixty-five percent of the teachers surveyed re...
Discipline ranks as one of the major concerns expressed by the public about schools and the education system. These concerns are mirrored in the often dramatic coverage by the media of stories about unruly students, bullying and violence in classrooms and on playgrounds around the country. Many ...
District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is moving toward restorative justice practices to combat the criminalization of students and create a healthier learning environment overall. The school district implemented restorative justice practices, such as theDCPS Becomingprogram, in 2021. DCPS Becoming ...
I can barely bring myself to take him out in public because he throws tantrums so often. What can I do? Most toddlers throw temper […] Read More December 23, 2020 January 26, 2024 Dr. Bill Sears 12 Ways to Raise a Confident Child How to Raise a Confident Child Self-esteem is ...
Following the introduction, chapter 1 provides an overview of discipline in the public schools, and chapter 2 describes the role of the multidisciplinary team in situations requiring the evaluation and assessment of students who may suffer from serious emotional disturbances. The role of individualized ...
Reports that discipline remains a primary source of unease in America's public schools according to Americans. Finding of Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll on education; Responses of respondents on other education-related matters; Support for higher national education standards while agreeing to a reduction...