The meaning of DISCIPLINE is control gained by enforcing obedience or order. How to use discipline in a sentence. The Root and Meanings of Discipline Synonym Discussion of Discipline.
Let's say you have a whole tin of cookies. If you have no self-discipline, you might eat all of them in just a few minutes! With self-discipline, you might have two or three cookies today, then two or three tomorrow, and so on, so that your cookies last a much longer time. You...
To learn more, use the lesson called Self-Discipline Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples. Other topics you can study include: Why self-discipline matters Situations that require self-discipline Tips for being more self-disciplined Practice Exams You are viewing quiz 29 in chapter 2 of ...
Define indiscipline. indiscipline synonyms, indiscipline pronunciation, indiscipline translation, English dictionary definition of indiscipline. n. Lack of discipline or restraint. in·dis′ci·plined adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
The meaning of SELF-DISCIPLINE is correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement. How to use self-discipline in a sentence.
The PLRA contains a section that entitles a state or local government entity to the immediate termination of "any prospective relief" previously ordered by a court. Under the act, prospective relief includes all relief other thanCompensatory Damages. This definition meant that provisions of the con...
Even though kids need to know there are consequences for misbehaving and insubordination, Discipline becomes abuse when physically hurting the child and when affecting the child’s mental health. It becomes abuse when intentionally hurting the child physically, As stated, When the laws are on the...
16 Things to NEVER Say to Your Kids by | Jun 1, 2015 | School-Aged Kids, Discipline, Preschoolers, Teens, Tools for the Journey Have you ever said one of these to your kids? Dads, our words have power to tear down or build up. We can learn better ways to get the me...
The athlete showed admirable discipline in getting up early every morning and training for several hours a day. 运动员每天早上早早就起来,一天锻炼好几个小时,训练有素,让人敬佩。 disciplinencountable(area of study)SCSimplified Chinese学科xué kē ...
Today’s parenting experts invite us to think about discipline much more broadly – as a“way of life”or a way ofeducatingour kids (originally, the definition of the word “discipline” had to do withteaching), instead of a way ofresponding to problems. ...