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Given that several meanings of discipline deal with study, governing one’s behavior, and instruction, one might assume that the word’s first meaning in English had to do with education. In fact, the earliest known use of discipline appears to be punishment-related; it first was used in ...
punishment inflicted by way of correction and training. Synonyms:castigation,chastisement the rigor or training effect of experience, adversity, etc.: the harsh discipline of poverty. behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control: ...
Discipline That Restores discipline them for discipline us for Discipline with Dignity ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
Discipline is very important in every walk of life. To maintain peace and order discipline is the must. Otherwise, chaos and confusion happen. Without it, a house becomes a madhouse. A school, college or university cannot go a single day without discipline. A disciplined nation climbs at the...
late 14c., "improperly governed, not brought to regular order; untrained" (in virtue), "not duly exercised or taught," fromun-(1) "not" + past participle ofdiscipline(v.). Similar formation in Germanundisciplinirt, Swedishodisciplinerad. The specific meaning "not subject to military discipl...
“He cultivates himself and thereby achieves reverence […] He cultivates himself and thereby brings peace and security to his fellow men […] He cultivates himself and thereby brings peace and security to the people.” In this way, Confucius implicitly makes the meaning of “benevolence” ...
Set concrete goals and definitive benchmarks.设定具体目标,明确基准。Then, let go of the wheel.然后,放开方向盘吧。That way, you can focus on getting work done, instead of wondering what to do next.这样,你就可以专注于完成工作,而不是去思考下一步。2. Simplify Routines Disciplined people ...
choices.But of course the habitual and the rhetorical/motivated differ from each other in the sense that what the former reveals is,as Ohmann puts it,“a habit of meaning...a persistent way of sorting out the phenomena of experience”(1967),whereas what the latter brings out is on the ...
The meaning of DISCIPLINE is control gained by enforcing obedience or order. How to use discipline in a sentence. The Root and Meanings of Discipline Synonym Discussion of Discipline.