Therefore, this study analyses the perceptions of principals in respect of the policy on educator's disciplinary procedure. The study adopted a generic qualitative research design. Qualitative data was collected from a purposefully selected sample of twenty principals by means of in-depth interviews....
3.3. Procedure and timeline The intervention was introduced at the beginning of the school year, in August 2016. In May 2017, nearly one school year after the intervention had been introduced, disciplinary problems, CEC and turnover intention was assessed in both intervention and control classes....
with studies showing that business students are more likely than other students to find ready rationalizations for their actions, and that “questionable ethical behavior … is more prevalent in business schools than in all other academic institutions” (Koris et al.2017, p. 175;...
Multi-Donor Livelihoods Facility Multi-Door Courthouse Multi-Dose Powder Inhaler Multi-Dose Vial Policy Multi-Drain Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Multi-Drive Missile Multi-Drive Version Multi-Driver Status Register Multi-drop Multi-Drop Bus/Internal Communication Protocol ▼...
In line with Yin's (2014) recommendations, each case was initially treated separately in the analysis before making comparisons, and the following procedure was applied: 1) All interview quotes relating to collaboration and independence were sorted out from the transcripts and ordered in a word ...
Following the procedure of Senocak (2009), we conducted the KMO test and the Bartlett’s test of sphericity (Bartlett 1954; Kaiser 1974) before determining the EFA to check the suitability of the data for an EFA. KMO value above 0.50 (Kaiser 1974) and significance (below 0.05) of Bartlett...
To systematically review and quantitatively synthesise the evidence for the impact of different types of school-based interventions on the reduction of sch