Disciplinary code and procedure in the public service in Lesotho : an exploratory investigationThis article essentially, explores and describes the seeming fairness of a disciplinary process in the Lesotho public service and, advances guiding principles that can be used by the public service disciplinary...
The CDC may permanently revoke or bar the Respondent’s right to use the CeFT® mark and designation. In the event of a permanent revocation, it shall be standard procedure to publish the fact of the revocation together with the identification of the Respondent in a press release or on it...
46 、It would be a good way to establish a judicial disciplinary procedure for judges and give remedy to their breach with the mode of procedure verdict.───建立司法性的法官惩戒程序,以程序性制裁的方式对法官程序性违法行为进行救济,应当是一种很理想的途径。 47 、Halsey included that in his re...
or working conditions as a result of the exercise of his rights under this procedure. 20.02 An employee may resign following the service of a Notice of Discipline. Any such resignation will be processed in accordance with the provisions contained herein and the employee's employment shall be ter...
A written reprimand shall be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 6 if the employee has attained permanent status in his current position; the decision is final and binding at Step 2. Disciplinary Appeals All forms of disciplinary action which are not appealable to the Civil Service ...
publicservicemodernisationprogrammethataimstoimprovehuman resourcepracticeintheCivilServiceandstrengthenthemechanismsfor accountabilityandperformance.ToensureamoreeffectiveCivilServicein thepublicinterest,theGovernmentdecidedtoenactthisnewlegislationto ensurethatMinisters,SecretariesGeneral,HeadsofScheduledOfficesand ...
3 The provisions of the present regulations remain applicable to protests against match results affected by a referee's decision that was in breach of the regulations. 10 PART TWO: DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE A. Organisation and Competence Article 21 Organs for the Administration of Justice The Organs ...
【法规名称】 CAP 359F OPTOMETRISTS (REGISTRATION AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE) REGULATION【法规编号】 44030 什么是编号?【正 文】第3页 CAP 359F OPTOMETRISTS (REGISTRATION AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE) REGULATION[接上页] (2) In this Part "complaint" (申诉) includes information received by the Secretary ...
【实施时间】 【效力属性】 (Cap 162, section 23(3)) [1 January 2000] L.N. 315 of 1999 (L.N. 300 of 1999) Cap 162C s 1 (Omitted as spent) PART I PRELIMINARY (Omitted as spent) Cap 162C s 2 Interpretation In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires- "Committee" (...
in private Case Management Meetings Section 4 The substantive hearing Proceeding in the absence of the Relevant Person Opening the hearing Consideration of the allegations After the allegations have been addressed Procedure when the Case Presenter calls witnesses Procedure once the Case Presenter has ...