Should notes be taken at a disciplinary hearing? The disciplinary hearing At the hearing, anote-taker should be present to take accurate minutes of the meeting. ... Employers should also proceed on the basis that the employee may be covertly recording the meeting and not say anything that the...
Get a copy of the notes/minutes of the disciplinary hearing. Fair decision making. How long can a disciplinary investigation take? For example, a simple case might only take a day to gather enough information, whereas a more complicatedcase could take several weeks. Your workplace might have ...
p. 1900) show the framework for our research question. In Fig.1, we show that IDH can plausibly constrain CSR activities of investee firms. In Fig.1, we illustrate the mechanisms that IDH could employ to constrain the CSR activities. For example, shareholder proposals may provide IDH with o...
for example, I let myself sleep in a little bit, so I didn’t start working until 10 A.M. The first thing I am doing today is reading and annotating articles I have found related to barriers to self-compassion. I’m working on understanding what research has found so far related to...
example notes a new preoccupa tion in directors minds with strategic focus shareholder value and corporate governance Relatedly on the other side of the relationship lie not shareholder principals but employee fund managers managing other people s money Bar ker s 1998 work begins to tease out the...
For example, evidentiality which ties language to elements of reality that have been observed, witnessed. The term evidence reflects the relevance of sight from the Latin “to see” (videre), but can of course also be based on hearing or other senses. All languages have the means for ...
More research needs to be conducted on innovative strategies, for example those involving empathy-based philosophies. This was the basis for the intervention tested by Okonofua et al. (2016a: 5521) included in this review. The intervention was focused on encouraging teachers to adopt an empatheti...
The Forum provided a good example of where an equal partnership “with a mutually intelligible language of communication, agreed objectives and equal inputs” (Pollard & Bray, p. 2) could lead. How can libraries support this style of interdisciplinary research? The key here is in providing a ...
We then present a step-by-step guide to the application of the Framework Method, illustrated using a worked example (See Additional File 1) from a published study [3] to illustrate the main stages of the process. Technical terms are included in the glossary (below). Finally, we discuss ...
Using the river example, in the first activity for this step, small groups might name plants, animals, or locations as individual puzzle pieces, such that the resulting complex entity is a geographically specific ecosystem with a narrow focus. In the second activity, when participants use “...