20.05 The Union on behalf of all the employees covered by this Agreement and its own behalf hereby waives any and all rights previously possessed by such employees to appeal any form of disciplinary action (e.g. suspensions, demotion or discharge) to any Civil Service Commission. 20.06 ...
As seminal to Dalit studies, both novels,SangatiandThe Grip of Change, have received significant scholarly attention within Indian academia. Most scholars have primarily focussed on women’s marginalization, exploitation and oppression in patriarchal social set up (Keshavamurthy,2013–14; Sangeetha and...
Where appropriate, the matter will be dealt with under the School’sDisciplinary Rules and Proceduresfor Staff Policy and will include responses such as no further action, to dismissal or a decision not to use the person’s services in future. ...
At UoK, cross-departmental reading list retreats create spaces to develop staff understanding, share promising practices and create action plans. Schools are also provided with a Diversity Mark 'toolkit' with guidance for interrogating current practice, considering other perspectives and opening up the...
Subject to the provisions of Bye-law 11, a relevant person is liable to disciplinary action, whether or not he or she was a member at the time of the breach, if the member commits any of the breaches set out in Bye-law 8(a). Relevant firms are liable to disciplinary action for...
Hyland K.Disciplinary Discourse: Social Interaction in Academic Writing. . 2000Hyland K.Disciplinary Discourse:Social Interactions in Academic Writing[M].London:Longman,2002:8Hyland, Ken, 2000: Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing, Harlow: Pear- son Education. Hyland, Ken, ...
Talk constitutes social action This paper’s approach is guided by notions in interactional linguistics and pragmatics, where talk is understood to constitute social action. Hence utterances are discursive acts that “do” something such as positioning the speaker in certain ways. During the interview...
Identifying and resolving uncertainty as a mediated action in science: A comparative analysis of the cultural tools used by scientists and elementary science students at work Science Education, 94 (2010), pp. 308-335 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Lave, 1992 J. Lave Word problems: A micro...
They describe the infringements, regulate the application of penalties and govern the organisation and action of the disciplinary bodies and the procedure to be followed before these bodies. Article 2 Scope of material application 1 The present regulations apply for the treatment of all disciplinary ...
Does disciplinary action appear on transcript? Disciplinary actions typically are not included on students' academic transcripts. ... They also are feeling spurred to screen incoming students through the admissions process by asking questions about encounters with law enforcement, even if there was no ...