Disciplinary action may be imposed for violation of written rules and regulations as set forth by the Board, incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, any other ...
The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.───公司将对他进行纪律惩罚。 Which of the following describes the disciplinary action most likely to be imposed by The IIA?───下面哪个最有可能表述内部审计师协会的纪律处罚? Promote and enforce safety, and take disciplinary action when...
be subjecttodisciplinaryaction or prosecution, whether the authorities have compiled statistics onthedisciplinary actionstaken or prosecutions instituted [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (三 ) 鑒於根據監管制度,訂明註冊承建商只能進行其註冊的相 關級別小型工程項目,而訂明建築專業人士及訂明註冊承 建商...
A substantive hearing is called to determine whether the relevant person is liable to disciplinary action and, if so, what sanction, if any should be imposed. Subject to the provisions of Bye-law 11, a relevant person is liable to disciplinary action, whether or not he or she was a...
55 、In an interview last month, Mr Prince called the trade "completely knuckle-headed" and promised disciplinary action would be "felt stingingly" by those responsible.───在上月接受采访时,普林斯先生将这次交易称为“完全没有脑子”,并承诺采取惩戒行动,那些负有责任的人将“被刺痛”。 56 、Thos...
Disciplinary action will be taken against the civil servant who has been deemed to have committed the actions and offended the Law on Civil Service Employees of the Brcko Government.The breach of one's duty may be considered both heavy and light. In order to initiate ...
Alabama Officer Who Stomped Man Facing Disciplinary Action More HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama police officer who was captured on video repeatedly stomping on the leg of a man during an arrest attempt violated policy and will face disciplinary review, an internal investigation found. The ...
Disciplinary Rulesare mandatory precepts that specify an unacceptable level of conduct for allpeace officers, regardless of their rank or thenature oftheir assignment. Any peace officer that violates any rule shall be guilty ofunprofessional conduct, and shall besubject todisciplinary action. Violation...
aFocus in this study is on the disciplinary powers of the supervisory agency,i.e., whether the supervisory authorities have the authority take specific action to prevent and correct problems in the bank. 焦点在这项研究中在监督代办处的学术能力,即,监督权是否在银行中有当局作为具体行动防止和正确问...
If the investigation concludes that disciplinary action is required, review the employees' disciplinary record. Review the discipline imposed in similar situations in the past. Balance the seriousness of the conduct with the employee's overall record to determine the appropriate discipline. Document the...